
Symposium 7: Foundations of the Systems Sciences
Aims and Scope:

The focus of Symposium 7 is the exploration of the foundations that could support Systems Sciences as the integrating force between the various methodological, sociological and technological trends of the future, not the least being information systems. A number of basic principles and theories are frequently used or cited in systems research, but most come from work in the natural sciences. Alternative approaches have included soft systems methodologies, second order cybernetics, autopoiesis theory, Luhmann's theories of systems and communications, and cybersemiotics. All of these emphasized social and humanistic aspects of knowledge.

Emphasis will be placed on ways in which theories or methodologies can be applied across a range of human domains, from scientific research to development and use of technologies to global systems (social, ecological, economic, etc.) If Systems Sciences are to help integrate human efforts and advancement, how will they do so?

Possible topics and areas of consideration:

  • The role of systems thinking in artificial intelligence and it applications
  • Transdisciplinary approaches to human health
  • Knowledge: what is it, what forms does it take, and who owns it?
  • Foundation theories: what really constitutes systems, their development, and their design?
  • Physical, biological, and cognitive systems - all one, or all different?
  • Systems, information, signification and communication -- how do all of these relate?
  • What does systems science have to contribute to the understanding and design of information systems?



Gary S. Metcalf, President InterConnections LLC


Symposium Program Committee:
Soren Brier
Wolfgang Hofkirchner
Tetsunori Koizumi
Ole Thyssen
Maurice I. Yolles
  Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
University Salzburg, Austria
Ryukoku University, Japan
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Liverpool John Moores University, UK




Gary S. Metcalf

President, InterConnections LLC
1544 Winchester Avenue, Suite 704
Ashland KY 41102, USA

Tel: +1-606-324-8893
Fax: +1-606-324-7244
Email here.


IFSR 2005