Workshop on Constructive Aspects of Logic and Mathematics

(supported by the
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
in cooperation with the
Marie Curie Actions IRSES
project "Constructive Mathematics: Proof and Computation")
8 - 12 March 2010
Kanazawa (Japan)
Scope: Constructive mathematics and its related area,
including intuitionistic logic and
type theory, proof theory, constructive methods in logics,
constructive mathematics and topology, reverse mathematics,
computable mathematics, philosophy of mathematics etc.
- Peter Aczel
(Manchester, UK)
- Ryota Akiyoshi (Tokyo, Japan)
- Kiwamu Aoyama (Kagoshima, Japan)
- Yuki Asahina (Nagoya, Japan)
- Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Josef
Berger (Munich, Germany)
- Vasco Brattka (Cape
Town, South Africa)
- Douglas
Bridges (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- Francesco Ciraulo (Palermo, Italy)
- Laura Crosilla (Leeds, UK)
- Giovanni Curi (Verona, Italy)
- Hannes
Diener (Siegen, Germany)
- Kentaro Fujimoto (Oxford, UK)
- Ken-etsu Fujita (Kiryu, Japan)
- Ahmad Termimi Bin Ab Ghani (Sendai, Japan)
- Susumu Hayashi (Kyoto, Japan)
- Anton Hedin (Uppsala, Sweden)
- Kojiro Higuchi (Sendai, Japan)
- Yoichi Hirai (Tokyo, Japan)
- Yoshihiro Horihata (Sendai, Japan)
- Danko
Ilik (Palaiseau, France)
- Syouhei Izawa (Sendai, Japan)
- Ryo Kashima
(Tokyo, Japan)
- Klaus
Keimel (Darmstadt, Germany)
- Takayuki Kihara (Sendai, Japan)
- Simon Kramer (Tsukuba, Japan)
- Maria Emilia Maietti (Padua, Italy)
- Yoshihiro Maruyama (Kyoto, Japan)
- Kenshi Miyabe (Kyoto, Japan)
- Takakazu Mori (Kyoto, Japan)
- Mizuhito Ogawa (JAIST, Japan)
- Kengo Okamoto (Tokyo, Japan)
- Takuro Onishi (Kyoto, Japan)
- Erik Palmgren (Uppsala, Sweden)
- Jan von Plato
(Helsinki, Finland)
- Michael Rathjen (Leeds, UK)
- Takashi Sakuragawa (Kyoto, Japan)
- Kentaro Sato (Kobe, Japan)
- Masahiko Sato (Kyoto, Japan)
- Peter
Schuster (Leeds, UK)
- Helmut
Schwichtenberg (Munich, Germany)
- Izumi Takeuti (AIST, Japan)
- Hideki
Tsuiki (Kyoto, Japan)
- Wim Veldman (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Mariko Yasugi (Kyoto, Japan)
- Keita
Yokoyama (Sendai, Japan)
- Satoru Yoshida (Tottori, Japan)
- Kazuto Yoshimura (Hakodate, Japan)
Hajime Ishihara,
Takako Nemoto and Yasushi Sangu
For detail, please contact one of organizers.