
GPU node

Queue Classes

[] GPU nodes use the following queue classes.

Queue classes
class no. of nodes no. of chuncks GPU execution duration no. of concurrent jobs no. of concurrent jobs/user no. of submitted jobs/user priority
G-SINGLE 1node 1 ~2 2day - - - 1
G-MEDIUM 2node 1~2 ~4 1day 1 1 - 2
G-LARGE 4node 1~4 ~8 12hour 1 1 - 3



Interactive Jobs

[] Interactive jobs can be generated using the batch scheduler.

% qsub -I -q G-SINGLE

After logging in to the GPU node, please set the environment using the module command.

Sample execution

[] 0. If the workspace directory doesn't exist, please make the directory.

% mkdir /work/<UserName>

1. CUDA sample,copy the job-script

% cp -r /opt/cuda/6.5/samples/ /work/<UserName>/cuda_sample
% cp /work/Samples/PBS_scripts/ /work/<UserName>

2. Running an interactive job,compiling on the GPU node

% qsub -I -q G-SINGLE
% cd /work/<UserName>/cuda-sample/1_Utilities/devicequery
% module load cuda
% make

3. Exiting from the interactive job

% exit

4. Submitting the job

% cd /work/<UserName>/cuda-sample/1_Utilities/devicequery
% cp /work/<UserName>/ .
% qsub