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  4. AL(Algorithm & Logic)セミナー
  5. セミナーのお知らせ

AL(Algorithm & Logic)セミナー

             第 110回 ALセミナーのお知らせ

JAIST ではロジックを中心に情報科学の理論的な分野の話題をテーマに

今回のセミナーは JAIST 情報科学研究科 COE Project:
Verifiable and Evolvable e-Society および
JAIST 研究プロジェクト LCCC (Logic for Cognition, Computation and Communication)


日時:  12月12日(月)(12th December) 15:30 -- 17:00

場所: 情報科学研究科 III 棟 6 階 輪講室
School of Information Science, 3rd bldg. 6th floor, Seminar Room


講演題目:Acts of Commanding and Changing Obligations

話題提供者: 山田友幸 (北海道大学文学部) Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)

If the notion of speech acts, or more specifically that of
illocutionary acts, is to be taken seriously, it must be possible to
see utterances not only as acts of uttering words but also as acts
of doing something more. In what follows, I will try to model
changes brought about by various acts of commanding in terms of a
variant of update logic. I will combine a multi-agent variant of
the language of monadic deontic logic with a dynamic language to
talk about the situations before and after the issuance of commands,
and the commands that link those situations. Although the resulting
language inherits various inadequacies from the language of monadic
deontic logic, some interesting principles are captured and seen to
be valid nonetheless.

今回の世話人: 小野寛晰、下嶋 篤

過去に開催された AL セミナーについては以下のホームページをご覧下さい。


AL セミナーに関する一般的なお問い合わせは以下にどうぞ。

〒923-1292 石川県能美市 旭台 1-1 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学(JAIST)

東条 敏 (tojo)
小野 寛晰 (ono)