  1. ホーム
  2. 会議・シンポジウム
  3. セミナー・講演会
  4. 情報科学研究科セミナー
  5. セミナーのお知らせ


For the information in English, please see the bottom of this message.


                           総 務 課 長




1.日時    平成18年10月10日(火)15:00~16:30

2.場所    情報科学研究科講義棟 大講義室

3.講演題目  「Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences《
4.講演者   ポツダム大学 教授  Jurgen Kurths 氏

   Synchronization phenomena are abundant in nature, science, engineering and
social life. Synchronization was first recognized by Christiaan Huygens in
1665 for coupled pendulum clocks; this was the beginning of nonlinear sciences.

N this talk first several examples of synchronization in periodic systems
are presented, such as in clocks, organ pipes, fireflies and even in the
mechanics of bridges.

Second synchronization phenomena in coupled complex systems are discussed.
Then it is explained how to identify such phenomena in experimental data
and especially in physiological measurements, such as brain or heart rate
data. This mainly refers to rather simple geometry of chaotic behaviour
with small diffusion of the phase.
Third I present an approach to detect and quantify phase synchronization
in much more complex geometries of chaotic oscillators. This is based on
the general concept of recurrence which goes back to the famous work of H.
Poincare`. It is shown that this method is applicable even to noisy data.
Applications to electrochemical as well as cognitive experiments are given.

Finally, I will discuss complex synchronization phenomena in
spatio-temporal systems and especially in networks with complex topology.
Main aspects will be universal conditions for the synchronizability of
complex networks and the organization of synchronization in such networks.

1975 Diploma in Mathematics, University Rostock
1975-1983 Research scientist at Zentralinstitut for solar-terrestrial
physics, Academy of Sciences
1983 Dr. nat. (mathematics, theoretical physics), Academy of
1990 Dr. habil. (theoretical physics) University Rostock
1984-1991 Research scientist at Zentralinstitut für Astrophysik,
Academy of Sciences
1991-1996 Director of working group "Nonlinear Dynamics"
(Max Planck Society)
since 1994 full Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Physics,
Potsdam University
since 1994 Director of Interdisciplinary Center for Dynamics of Complex
1996-1999 Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
since 1998 Vice-Speaker of Sonderforschungsbereich 555: Complex Nonlinear
since 2000 Fellow of the American Physical Society
2000-2005 President of Section Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences of the
European Geoscience Union
2000-2004 Coordinator of the European Research and Training Network
2001-2007 Co-coordinator of Schwerpunktprogramm 1114 Time Series
Analysis and Image Processing (DFG)
2003-2006 Speaker of the DFG-Research-Group Conflicting Rules
2005 Humboldt-CSIR research award
2005-2009 member steering committee of new the Network of Excellence
  editorial boards: Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences (Executive Editor);

CHAOS; Int. J. Bifurcation&Chaos; Springer Series in
Synergetics; Int. J. Complex Systems Res.
Visiting Professor in China, Japan, Spain, India

7.担当教員 情報科学研究科 助教授 徳田 功(内線:1226)

8.問合せ先 総務課共通事務室共通事務係 太田(内線:1154)

We would like to inform you about the 3rd IS-Seminar as follows.

DATE: October 10, 2006 15:00-16:30
PLACE: IS-Lecture Hall
SUBJECT: "Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences"
SPEAKER: Prof.Jurgen Kurths
     University of Potsdam
SPEECH: English
REFERENCE: Administrative Services Office (E-mail: s-secr)