  1. ホーム
  2. 会議・シンポジウム
  3. セミナー・講演会
  4. 情報科学研究科セミナー
  5. セミナーのお知らせ


For the information in English, Please see the bottom of this message.


総 務 課 長



1.日 時   平成19年12月26日(水)15:00〜16:30

2.場 所   情報科学研究科講義棟 大講義室

3.講演題目   「3-D Heterogeneous Sensor System on a Chip
(HSoC):Architecture and Algorithms」

4.講 演 者   南フロリダ大学 
教授  Vijay K. Jain 氏

Abstract: This presentation will focus on research concerning "3-D
Heterogeneous Sensor System on a Chip (HSoC)", specifically its overall
architecture, on-chip binding network, and sensor fusion. Such devices
are likely to be useful in industrial, biomedical, environmental, and
security applications of the future. They have the potential for
significant reduction in weight, volume, and power on the one hand, and
enhanced capability and reliability, on the other ? over the current,
planar approaches. The envisioned application domain is rather broad,
but two interesting examples are the following: the sensor plane could
be populated with (1) image sensors (APS pixels) for imaging and event
detection, or (2) antibodies ? or just their scFv parts, for the
detection of diseased/cancerous cells.

Speaker: Vijay Jain received his Ph.D. degree from the Michigan
Sate University in 1964. He is currently a Distinguished Professor at
the University of South Florida (USF), U.S.A. He has been a faculty
member at USF since 1972 and has held various positions: Associate
Professor in 1972, Professor in 1976, and Distinguished Professor in
1995. His research interests include parallel processing,
interconnection networks, VLSI design, signal and image processing, and
high performance computing. He has served as the Program Chairman or
General Chairman of 11 international conferences.

7.担当教員 情報科学センター 
准教授 井口 寧(内線:1306)

8.問合せ先 総務課共通事務室共通事務係 池田(内線:1158)


We would like to inform you about the 13th IS-Seminar as follows.

DATE: December 26, 2007 15:00-16:30
PLACE: IS-Lecture Hall
SUBJECT: "3-D Heterogeneous Sensor System on a Chip (HSoC): Architecture
and Algorithms"
SPEAKER: Professor. Vijay K. Jain
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of South Florida
SPEECH: English
REFERENCE: Administrative Services Office (E-mail: is-secr)