

ご寄附の手順 How to donate

  1. ご寄附の意思の表明 Express your intention to donate
    Please contact the JAIST Foundation Office to let us know your intention of donation by telephone, e-mail, etc.
  2. ご寄附の受入れに関するお知らせ Receive notice from JAIST
    We will notify you about acceptance of donation and send you a transfer form. You can also transfer your donation from ATM, online banking, and telephone banking without using a transfer form. Depending on the transfer method, you will be charged a handling fee.
    ※ Please note that we cannot always accept your donation if it is a conditional offer, or it is considered to affect execution of duties of JAIST or to be inappropriate for us to accept the donation for social reasons or by judgement of the president.
  3. ご寄附の振込み Transfer donation

    (1) 金融機関窓口および郵便局・ゆうちょ銀行での振込
    (2) 事務局での寄附
    (3) ATM、インターネットバンキング等での振込

    Please transfer donation to designated account. (For individuals: 1,000 yen per unit, for corporations: 10,000 yen per unit.)

    (1) Transfers at a financial institution counter, post office, or Japan Post Bank
    Please use the Transfer Form prescribed by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) to make the transfer of funds.
    If you use the JAIST Transfer Form to make the transfer of funds from the counter of the head office/branch office of Hokkoku Bank or Hokuriku Bank, there will be no service fees. However, you will be charged a handling fee if you make the transfer at other financial institutions including post offices and Japan Post Bank. Please note that you will have to bear the fee.
    (2) Making Donations at JAIST administrative office
    Please come directly to the JAIST Administration Building (3rd floor) to make donations. We can accept cash only.
    (3) Transfers via ATMs, Internet banking, and etc.
    You will be asked to make a bank transfer to the bank account designated by JAIST. We will provide you with the bank account information to the email address you use to make an inquiry. You will be charged a handling fee for the transfer and you will have to bear the fee.

  4. お礼状等の送付 Receive a thank-you letter, etc.
    We will send a thank-you letter and a receipt for the donation. For large donations (100,000 yen or more for individuals, 1 million yen or more for corporations and groups), we will present or send a separate certificate of gratitude. Also, we will post the donor's name, etc. on our website. (You can also choose not to post.)

税制の優遇 Tax Benefits

Donations to the JAIST Foundation are subject to tax benefits. Please file a final tax return procedure with a receipt issued by JAIST.

個人の皆様からのご寄附 Donation by Individuals

 所得税 Income Tax
  ・所得税の軽減額=(寄附金額-2千円)× 所得税の税率
   Reducible Amount of Income Tax
   = (Donation Amount – 2,000yen) × Income Tax Rate

As a result of the tax system revision in FY2016, donation by individuals to the study support projects carried out by the national university corporation became subject to "tax deduction" in addition to the conventional "income deduction". It applies to our “Study Support Fund”, so you can choose either income deduction or tax deduction when filing the final tax return.
* If you wish to donate to this fund, please select the "Study Support Fund (Project to support students who are difficult to study due to economic reasons)" in the column of donation purpose on the transfer form. In addition, in the case of selecting a tax deduction at the time of final tax return, in addition to the receipt of the donation, it is necessary to submit a certificate of tax deduction (copy) issued by JAIST.

Flow of donation to Study Support Fund

※クリックで拡大します(Click to enlarge)

個人住民税 Residential Tax

In the case of donation by residents in Ishikawa Prefecture, it can be given deductions of residential tax for Ishikawa prefecture and its cities, towns and villages.
※Amount of donation exceeding 2,000 yen per year is subject to the deductions based on both the Income Tax Act and the Local Tax Act.


法人の皆様からのご寄附 Donation by Corporations

All amounts of donation to the JAIST Foundation are possible to include in deductible expenses for tax procedure. (cf. Article 37-3-2 of the Corporation Tax Act)


JAIST Foundation Office,
National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan
TEL 0761-51-1059
Operation Hours : 8:30~17:15
(except weekends and holidays)
E-mail: kikin@ml.jaist.ac.jp