Reviewer: T. Hashimoto Date&Time: 15:30-, 27 Ocg. (Th.) Place: Collabo 2 (5F, 2nd bldg.) Title: Introduction of and discussion on a review paper about modeling studies of cultural evolution of language. Abstract: The study on language evolution clarifies the process and mechanism of emergence and cultural evolution of human language. By simulatiing Language Games, Luc Steels and his colleagues has demonstrated that not only general features of human language, such as sharing vocabularies in a population, but also characteristics studied in linguistics such as case systems and agreement can emerge through cultural evolution. I introduce the recent review paper about his works. I want to discuss how the problems of origin and evolution of language has been/will be clarified by the modeling studies of cultural evolution of language. (Talk will be in Japanese.) Paper: Modeling The Cultural Evolution of Language, Luc Steels, Physics of Life Reviews, Vol. 8, No. 4, to be published. I am attaching the paper, since it has not been published.