担当: 王天嬌
日時: 12/22(金) 16:00-
場所: コラボレーションルーム2
題目: Study on Phonological Knowledge of L3 Effects on L2


Incross-linguistic influence domain, backward transfer (i.e. later learned language to an earlier acquired one) is an important part, 
however, it has not received as much attention as forward transfer (i.e., influence from an earlier acquired language to a later learned one).
This study focuses on the clarification of L3 Japanese to L2 English cross-linguistic 
influence among listeners with Chinese as their first language (L1) in the domain of phonology.

At the presentation of this time, for making progress on  the research proposal, 
I attempt to reflect the other members’ comments and answer the questions of last seminar in the slides, 
and propose the draft design of experiment. There also remain some problems such as adequateness of hypothesis that I want to discuss with the other members.

Speaker: WANG,Tianjiao
Date&Time: 12/22(Fri.) 16:00--
Place: collaboration room 2
Title: Study on Phonological Knowledge of L3 Effects on L2