学会・研究会:Evolution of Language Sixth International Conference, Rome 発表者   :橋本敬 題目    :Reconsidering Kirby's compositionality model towards modelling grammaticalization 日時    :2006年4月14日 場所    :University of Rome HP   :http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/socce/evolang6/travel.htm 概要: Grammaticalisation is a potent candidate to structuralise and complexify human languages in the evolution of language. It is a phenomenon of language change, in which content words such as nouns and verbs change into functional words such as auxiliaries and prepositions. New functional categories, tense, mood, and so forth, can emerge in a language structure through grammaticalisation, then structure and lexicon of a language can become complex and fruitful. It is important to understand the process of and the cognitive ability for grammaticalisation in the context of the origin and the evolution of language. We discuss constructing a computational model for grammaticalisation to achieve this end.