-''The International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2015''~
2-5 November 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
-- Prof.Nagai will be the Chair of the conference.
**Activities (Recent posts. [[View all>Lab-news]].)  [#f54d395d]

-2015年12月7日: 原田祥(永井实验室硕士生)在日本创新学会主办的第37届会议中的演讲获得了学生表彰奖。

-- 永井教授将是本次会议的主席。
--  [[Conference website:http://iasdr2015.com/the-congress/conference-programme/]]

- 2015.10.09: Youuri Okada(Nagai Lab. Master's student) was presented with the Women Entrepreneurs Award at the Hokuriku Business Model Competition.
- 2015年10月9日:冈田侑里(永井实验室硕士生)在北陆商业模式竞赛上被授予了女企业家奖。

- 2015.10.04: Prof.Nagai organized a workshop together with Mr.Kihara at Japan Creativity Society on November 4th.
- 2015年10月4日:永井教授和木原宏典氏先生在日本创新学会研究大会上组织了一次研讨会。
[[Click here:http://www.japancreativity.jp/]]

- 2015.09.28: Prof.Nagai lectured on creative thinking and innovation of design at Dalian Polytechnic University on Sept. 28th.
[[Click here:http://www.dlpu.edu.cn/detail/472d0d4f507d79bd0961f0bba8092aec]]
- 2015年9月28日:永井教授在大连理工大学进行了创造性思维和设计的创新的讲座。[[Click here:http://www.dlpu.edu.cn/detail/472d0d4f507d79bd0961f0bba8092aec]]

-''The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society''~
18-20 September 2015, Chiba, Japan.
-- The organization of the 32nd Annual Meeting in Chiba University will be planned by Kenji Kondo (Doctor Course).
--  [[Conference website:http://www.jcss.gr.jp/meetings/jcss2015/program.html#OS8]]

-''Bundung Creative Movement2015''~
8-10 September 2015, Bandung, Indonesia.
-- Prof. Nagai will be making the keynote speech at the conference held in Indonesia.
-- [[Conference website:http://bcm.telkomuniversity.ac.id/]]

- COLOR(purple):"Due date for the paper submission has been extended to July 14"~
''3rd ICDC - The 3rd International Conference on Design Creativity''~
12-14 January 2015, Bangalore, India.
-- Prof. Yukari Nagai is the Vice Chair of the 3rd ICDC. 
- COLOR(purple):"论文提交日一直延续到7月14日"~
''3rd ICDC -第三届国际设计创意大会''~
-- 永井由佳里教授是第三个儿童发展中心的副主席。 
-- [[Conference website:http://www.cpdm.iisc.ernet.in/icdc2014/#/overview.php]]
- ICoRD'15 - The 5th International Conference on Research into Design, 7-9 January, 2015, Bangalore, India.
- ICoRD'15 - 第五届关于研究设计的国际会议2015年1月7日-9日,印度的班加罗尔。
-- [[Conference website:http://www.cpdm.iisc.ernet.in/icord15/#/overview.php]]

-International Workshop on Design Creativity at ICED 2015, 27-30 July, Milano~
- 设计创新国际研讨会2015年7月27日-30日,米兰。~
-- [[The conference website:http://iced2015.org/]]

      Workshop info (PDF)~
-- [[1. Assessing Creativity in Design Studio projects (Design Education and Design Creativity SIGs):http://iced2015.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/WS2-6.pdf]]~
Monday, 27/Jul/2015:  14:00 -17:00~
-- [[2. Bio-inspired design (Design Creativity SIG):http://iced2015.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/WS1-2.pdf]]~
Monday, 27/Jul/2015:  9:30am -12:30pm~

- 2014.8.23: Design Research Lab. will hold a workshop in collaboration with Kripa Link in the Open Campus at the Ishikawa Prefectural Kutaniware Technology Training Center. 
- 2014年8月23日: 设计研究实验室将举行一个关于在石川县Kutaniware技术培训中心举办校园开放日的研讨会。
[[Click here:http://www.pref.ishikawa.jp/kutanike/]]
- 2014.8.19: Design Research Lab. member will give a lecture in Komatsu Business Creation Plaza Seminar 2, at the Komatsu Komatsu science Hills.
Title: "New Manufacturing Utilizing 3D Printer" 
Organized by: Komatsu City, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 
[[Click here:http://science-hills-komatsu.jp/biz/information/214.html]]
- 2014.8.9-10: Design Research Lab.will hold a workshop: KUTANI NIGHT ZOO in collaboration with Kripa link.
[[Click here for more info:https://www.facebook.com/kutani.night.zoo]]
- 2014.07.4-6: Design Research Lab member will deliver presentation at the 61st Annual Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) at The Fukui University of Technology. 
[[Click here for more info:http://www.fukui-ut.ac.jp/ut/des/jssd2014/specialsessions.html]]
- 2014.06.24: Design Research Lab. members gave a lecture about 3D printer in Kanazawa.
- 2014.06.21-22:International Workshop on Design Creativity at DCC14, London
- 2014年8月19号: 设计研究实验室的成员将发表关于小松商业广场创作研讨会的演讲。演讲标题为“利用3D打印机进行新的创造”主办单位:小松市和JAIST [[Click here:http://science-hills-komatsu.jp/biz/information/214.html]]
-2014.8.9-10:设计研究室举办的研讨会:九谷夜间动物园与Kripa链接合作[[Click here for more info:https://www.facebook.com/kutani.night.zoo]]
- 2014.07.4-6:设计研究实验室成员将在日本社会对设计的科学(JSSD)的技术的福井大学第61届年度会议上进行演讲。[[Click here for more info:http://www.fukui-ut.ac.jp/ut/des/jssd2014/specialsessions.html]]
- 2014年6月24日:设计研究实验室的成员发表了有关在金泽3D打印机的演讲。
- 2014.06.21-22:国际研讨会的设计创意在DCC14,伦敦
[[Click here for more info:http://mason.gmu.edu/~jgero/conferences/dcc14/workshops/Workshop-6%20Design%20Creativity.htm]]
- 2014.06.19: Design Research Lab. member receives  the University Consortium Ishikawa ''2014 Year Region field study seminar support project.''
Title: " Promotion of the sixth industry in Nomi-shi "
- 2014年6月19日:设计研究实验室。成员收到大学联合会石川县2014年年度地区实地考察研讨会的支持项目。标题: "推广6次产业的能美市的推广"
- 2014.03.21: Design Research Lab members will be conducting a Workshop with Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) on fiscal  year 25  in Fukui Prefecture. [[Click here for more info:http://www.jssd3b.jp/page/publication.html]]
- 014.03.17-18: Design Research Lab members will be presenting a paper at the "Knowledge Science in the Field Manufacturing" on 4th Knowledge Co-Development Forum (FoKCs2014), to be held in Ishikawa Prefecture. [[Click here for more info:http://www.jaist.ac.jp/fokcs/]
- 2014.03.11:  We will be holding a regular study group and Join Cognitive Science Society Research Subcommittee on "Design configuration and creation" in Ishikawa Prefecture. [[Click here for more info:https://sites.google.com/site/jcssdcc//]]
- 2014.03.01: Design Research Lab members will report paper of "Social design: A case of timber recycling system in the building," adopted to support business seminar at the "University and regional cooperation active forum and special lecture" University Consortium Ishikawa. [[Click here for more info:http://www.ucon-i.jp/newsite/activeforum/]].
- 2014.02.28 - 05.31 A member of Design Research Lab. is invited as a Visiting Scholar at Furniture Research Group, Buckinghamshire New University, UK. supervised by Prof. Jake Kaner. [[Link:http://bucks.ac.uk/research/research_institutes/furniture_research/]]
-  2014.02.23: City Government of Nomi and Nagai Lab, JAIST are inviting Asst. Prof. Zaini Alif, a university lecturer at Indonesian Art Higher School (STSI Bandung) who is also the founder of HONG community.~
The HONG Community is a cultural group is dedicated to reinvent and to conserve Indonesian folk games and toys. COLOR(purple):Mr. Zaini and HONG community will be performing traditional games and musical workshop together with children at the ''Manabi Festa 2014'' on February 23rd at city of Nomi, Japan.
- 2014.01.29: Poster presentation from Design Research Lab. member at International School on Knowledge Co-Creation (ISKCC2014), January 29, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 2014年3月21日:设计研究实验室成员将进行与日本社会对设计的科学(JSSD)上财年的25福井县的研讨会。 [[Click here for more info:http://www.jssd3b.jp/page/publication.html]]
- 2014.03.17-18:设计研究实验室成员将进行一个关于“在手工制造知识科学”的发表,发表将在石川县举行的第4个知识合作发展论坛(FoKCs2014)上举行。 [[Click here for more info:http://www.jaist.ac.jp/fokcs/]
- 2014年3月11号:我们将举行定期研究组并且加入在石川县“设计配置和创建”成立的认知科学学会的研究小组。 [[Click here for more info:https://sites.google.com/site/jcssdcc//]]
- 2014年3月1日:设计研究实验室成员将进行论文关于“社会设计:木材回收体系的建设为例”的报告。 [[Click here for more info:http://www.ucon-i.jp/newsite/activeforum/]].
- 2014年2月28日- 05.31设计研究实验室中的一员被邀请作为访问学者去往家具研究小组,新白金汉大学,英国。由杰克·凯恩教授指导。[[Link:http://bucks.ac.uk/research/research_institutes/furniture_research/]]
- 2014年2月23日:能美市政府和永井实验室邀请教授Zaini Alif,Zaini Alif教授是印尼艺术高校(STSI万隆)的讲师同时也是康社区的创始人。~

- 2013: A new journal called ''International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation'' (Taylor & Francis) will be launched in January 2013. The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for review. [[Journal homepage:http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/TDCI]], [[Call for Papers:http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ks/labs/nagai/DesignCreativityW/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=CallForPapers_DCI_.pdf&refer=News]].
-  2013.10.28: Design Research Lab. & The Research Center for Innovative Lifestyle Design will hold ''the 1st Lifestyle Design Research Center Seminar''. We invite Associate Professor Kunio Nikata from Kanazawa College of Art.~
Title: ''Cognitive Science approach in Design Research''~
Date and time: October 28, 2013, (Mon) 15:00pm-16:30pm~
Location: Lecture Room, School of Knowledge Science Building.~
※Pre-registration is not necessary, please come to the venue directly.~
Contact: Administrative and Planning Section, Research Affair  Department:  r-soukatsu@jaist.ac.jp
-  2013.10.12: Design Research Lab takes part in science-government collaboration project with Nomi City at JAIST Festival. This is a part of ''the Regional Development by the Next Generation of Cultural Creation.'' We distribute 100 pieces of 3D printer Gotochi character with round potato (Nomi specialty) "Nomi maru" to 100 first visitors. [[Detail:http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20131011-00067630-hokkoku-l17]].
- 2013.10.1 (14pm to 16pm): Design Research Lab hold a seminar entitled ''Social Design through Timber Recycling System in the Building.'' The purpose of this seminar is expansion in activities that captures civilized resources, and cultural resources towards a sustainable society, to study the mechanism of value conversion by the knowledge scientific approach.
Location: Nomi City Community Collaboration Development Center [[Webpage:http://www.nominiko.com//]].
- 2013.08.26-30: Prof. Nagai and Design Research Lab. member will present papers at ''5th The International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) World Conference on Design Research'' (IASDR13), Tokyo.  [[Webpage:http://www.iasdr2013.jp/conference.html]].
- 2013.08.19-22: Prof. Nagai is chairing (SIG Workshop) Creativity in design synthesis - 1 at ''19th International Conference on Engineering Design'' (ICED 2013), Korea.  [[Webpage:http://www.iced13.org/]].
- 2013.08.19-22: Presentation from colleagues and Design Research Lab. at ''19th International Conference on Engineering Design'' (ICED 2013), Korea.  [[Webpage:http://www.iced13.org/]].
- 2013.08.06 Design Research Lab. collaborated with National Institute of Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises to held ''13th i-BIRD matching Seminar'' with theme: "3D printer is changing the business!" at University of Ishikawa cooperation incubator (i-BIRD).
- 2013.07.18: Design Research Lab. member receives  the University Consortium Ishikawa ''2013 Year Region field study seminar support project.''
Title: "Social Design Research Seminar with attention to design of timber recycling system in the building"
- 2013.07.18: Design Research Lab. held the ''5th Knowledge Sciences Seminar on Kansei evaluation method'' with guest speaker, Assoc. Prof. Masaki Sakamoto (The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering). Presentation title: "New Sensibility Evaluation Method based on Natural Language."
- 2013.06.21-23: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ''60th Annual Conference of JSSD'' in Tsukuba, Japan.  [[Webpage:http://www.geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp/~jssd60th/]].	
- 2013.06.17-20: Poster presentation from Design Research Lab. at ''9th ACM International Conference on Creativity and Cognition 2013'', Sydney, Australia  [[Webpage:http://cc13.creativityandcognition.com/]].
- 2013.05.20: A member of Design Research Lab. (Nagai Lab.) receives ''Student Research Bursary Award 2013'' from Design Research Society (DRS), UK.
- 2013.05.14-17: A presentation from Design Research Lab. at ''DRS//CUMULUS 2013'', an International Conference for Design Education Researchers at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, at Oslo, Norway. [[Webpage:http://www.hioa.no/eng/About-HiOA/Fakultet-for-teknologi-kunst-og-design/DRS-CUMULUS-Oslo-2013]].
- 2013-2014: Team of Design Research Lab. (Nagai Lab.) receives ''the 8th Research Grant for Educational Practice for Children'' [[HAKUHO FOUNDATION:http://www.hakuhodo.co.jp/foundation/subsidy/new.html]]. This research will be conducted within one year at rural craft villages in Japan and Indonesia. 
- 2013.01.29: ''A seminar held by Design Research Lab. at JAIST'', presented by Florencio PAIVA (France) and Kanami MORITA (Japan) at Collaboration Room 2, JAIST, School of Knowledge Science, 2013.01.29, 15pm-17pm.
- ''2nd Call for Papers of 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition'', 17-20 June, 2013, UTS, Sydney, Australia. Theme: `Intersections and Interactions’.
Sponsored by ACM, SIGCHI, Interaction Consortium, Centre for Human Centred Technology Design (HCTD) UTS. [[Webpage:http://cc13.creativityandcognition.com/]]
- 2013.01.07-09: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ''ICoRD'13'', an International Conference at IIT Madras, Chennai, India. [[Webpage:http://www.icord2013.iitm.ac.in/]]
-2013:新刊《国际周刊:设计的创造及革新》(Taylor & Francis)发行。新刊正在征集评论的原稿。周刊主页,论文募集。The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for review. [[Journal homepage:http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/TDCI]], [[Call for Papers:http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ks/labs/nagai/DesignCreativityW/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=CallForPapers_DCI_.pdf&refer=News]]~

- 2012.10.16-17: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ''Design Symposium 2012'' in Kyoto, Japan. [[Webpage:http://news-sv.aij.or.jp/keikakusub/s22/program.html]].	
- 2012.09.18-20: Poster presentation from Design Research Lab at ''ICDC 2012''. - 2012.08.1-4 Prof. Nagai presented a poster presentation at  ''COGSCI 2012'' in Sapporo, Japan. [[Webpage:http://cognitivesciencesociety.org/conference2012/index.html]]. 
- 2012.08.27: KS-seminar with Prof. Kazuhisa Todayama from Nagoya University.
- 2012.07.1-5: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ''DRS 2012'' Conference in Bangkok. [[Webpage:http://drs2012bangkok.org/]].
- 2012.06.22-24: Prof. Nagai presented a paper at ''The 59th Annual Conference of JSSD'' in Sapporo. [[Webpage:http://www.jssd59th.scu.ac.jp/]].
- 2012.05.21-24: Prof. Nagai presented a paper at ''DESIGN 2012'' Conference in Croatia. [[Webpage:http://www.designconference.org/]].
- 2012.05.7-11: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ''TMCE 2012 Symposium''. [[Webpage:http://tmce.org/]].
- 2012.02.29: Presentation from Prof. Nagai at JST Plaza. [[Details:http://www.sanrentenkai.jp/seeds2012/index.html]].
- 2012.02.27: ''KS-seminar'' with Prof. Tanaka from Kanazawa Institute of Technology. [[Homepage:http://y-tanaka.kit.labos.ac/ja]].
- 2012.01.30-31: Prof. Nagai at ''Design Theory SIG Workshop'' held in Paris, France. [[Details:http://www.cgs.ensmp.fr/DesignTheorySIG/]].
地点:北陆先端科学技术大学院大学 知识科学研究科 collaboration room 3~



地点:知识科学研究科讲义楼 中讲义室~





- 2013.08.26-30:永井研究室于东京举办的第五次IASDR会上发表演讲。

- 2013.08.19-22:第十九次ICED大会中,永井教授担当了(SIG Workshop) Creativity in design synthesis – 1的主席。~

- 2013.08.19-22:第十九次ICED大会在韩国举办。詳細は[[こちら:http://www.iced13.org//]].~

主办方:独立行政法人 中小企业基盘整备机构 北陆本部~
地点:石川大学连携培养中心 (i-BIRD)~

- 2013.07.18:永井研究室的研究被''「平成25年度地域课题研究研讨会支援事业」''采用。~

- 2013.07.18:第五回知识科学研究科研讨会「用自然语言创造新型感性评价方法」''举办~
演讲者:電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科 准教授 坂本 真樹 氏~


-2015.02.20:永井研究室成员Deny Willy Junaidy于英国举办的DRS发表的论文获奖(Student Research Bursary Award 2013 )。

-2013-2014:永井研究室成员的研究被公益财团法人博报儿童教育振兴会的研究助成事业 「第八回儿童教育实践相关研究助成事业」采用。詳細は[[こちら:http://www.hakuhodo.co.jp/foundation/subsidy/new.html]].~


- 2013.05.14-17:永井研究室于挪威举办的设计教育研究者大会上发表演讲。詳細は[[こちら:http://www.hioa.no/eng/About-HiOA/Fakultet-for-teknologi-kunst-og-design/DRS-CUMULUS-Oslo-2013]]

- 2013.6.17-20:永井研究室于悉尼工科大学举办的2nd Call for Papers of 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition发表演讲。~
题目:'Intersections and Interactions'~
主办方:ACM(Association for Computing Machinary),SIGCHI(Special Interest Group Computer Human Interaction ), 悉尼工科大学,Interaction Consortium~

- 目前,JAIST美术展览室正在展出题为「''独创、生态、工匠艺术''」的研究事例。并且对工艺设计教育、装修设计等新型以可持续社会为目标的知识创造者相关的研究事例进行介绍。~
联系方式/宣传部 负责人:kouhou@jaist.ac.jp~

-2013.01.29:永井研究室&设计创造单位通过以法国为基地进行工作的艺术家Florencio PAIVA与森田奏美举办了以「''From the outside: Influence of different cultures in the work of two young artists''」为主题的研讨会。~

- 2013.01.07-09:ICoRD'13 (International Conference at IIT Madras)在印度的金奈举行。詳細は [[こちら:http://www.icord2013.iitm.ac.in/]]



-2012.9.18-20:ICDC 2012 (International Conference on Design Creativity)在苏格兰举办(永井教授进行了论文发表)詳細は[[こちら:http://www.icdc2012.org.uk/]]





- 2012.05.7-11:于TMCE2012研讨会上展示了永井研究室[[Webpage:http://tmce.org/]]




- 2011.11.3-6: Poster and presentation from Design Research Lab at ''ACM Creativity & Cognition 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA''.
[[Homepage:http://dilab.gatech.edu/ccc/]] and [[Program:http://dilab.gatech.edu/ccc/?page_id=241]].
- 2011.10.31-11.04: Presentation and poster from Design Research Lab at ''4th World Conference on Design Research, IASDR2011, Delft, the Netherlands''. 
[[Homepage:http://www.iasdr2011.org/]] and [[Program:http://www.iasdr2011.org/?id=3]].
- 2011.09.23-25: Presentations and poster from Design Research Lab at The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society.
- 2011.08.17: Presentation from Design Research Lab at ICED11. http://www.iced11.org/Programme.aspx
- 2011.02.29: KS-seminar with presentations from:
-- Prof. Kazuhiro Ueda, Tokyo University (Topic: The structure of demand-side innovation―Which is more important for idea generation resulting in innovation, personality feature or preceding information?)

-2011.11.03-06:永井研究室在美国举办了ACM Creativity & Cognition 2011会议。(永井)詳細は[[こちら:http://dilab.gatech.edu/ccc/]]

-2011.10.31-11.04:第四次World Conference on Design Research, IASDR2011于荷兰举办(永井教授等人进行了发表演讲)。詳細は[[こちら:http://www.iasdr2011.org/]]



-2011.08.17:永井教授出席第18次International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11)。(永井)

- 2011.6.24-26:第58次日本设计学会春季研究发表大会于千叶工业大学召开,永井教授等人发表演讲

-2011.06.26:日本デザイン学会春季研究発表大会(千葉工業大学) オーガナイズドセッションDのお知らせ.詳細は[[こちら>JSSD2011]]''終了しました''

-2011.02.28: 研究科セミナー、植田一博先生の講演会が行われました。



-2011.01.10:永井教授出席于印度召开的国际会议(3rd International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD'11) Creativity Workshop).(永井)

-- Dr. Sachiko Kiyokawa, Chubu University
- 2010.11.29-12.1: Presentations and posters from Design Research Lab at the First International Conference on Design Creativity, Kobe, Japan. http://www.org.kobe-u.ac.jp/icdc2010/
- 2010.07.03/04: Two presentations from Design Research Lab at the Annual Conference of JSSD http://www2.nagano.ac.jp/jssd/info.html
- 2010.04.23/26: Dr. Ian Gwilt's lecture and exhibition:
-- Lecture "Compumorphic art - the computer as muse", Friday 23rd April, 4pm – 5:30pm, Collaboration Room 2 – KS Building 5F
-- Exhibition "Natural Fabrications", Monday 26th April, 12pm – 5pm, Communication hall - 1F in front of the JAIST cafeteria
- 2010.04: Dr. Ian Gwilt, Director of Visual Communication, University of Technology, Sydney, is visiting researcher at Design Research Lab



-2010.04.23/26:于Ian Gwilt先生的研讨会进行了关于自然行的展览.
&br;Exhibition "Natural Fabrications"


- 2009.10.27: The 7th ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference at Berkeley Art Museum & UC Berkeley http://www.creativityandcognition09.org/schedule.htm
A paper form Design Research Lab was presented at Workshop "Creativity and Cognition in Engineering Design"  http://www.ccedworkshop.org/
- 2009.10.18-22: Two papers from Design Research Lab were presented  presented on IASDR 2009 conference in Seoul, Korea

- 2009.7.14: Prof. Takashi Kiriyama, Tokyo University of the Arts, presented "Observation and Analysis of Behaviors in an Interactive Art Installation" on KS seminar

- 2009.6.06: Open Campus day at JAIST. Design Research Lab presented several posters [[(poster1):http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ks/labs/nagai/cgi-bin/English/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=MeaningsConceptualDesign-Poster.pdf&refer=FrontPage]].

- 2009.3.23: Prof. Ernest Edmonds and Dr. Linda Candy (Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology Sidney, Australia) visited our  laboratory

http://www.creativityandcognition.com/ and http://www.uts.edu.au/

- 2009.2.17: Assoc. Prof. Samuel Gomes, PhD, University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), France, visited Design Research Lab and presented "Collaborative Design and Knowledge factory - CoDeKF" at KS Seminar on Feb. 16th. 

- 2009.2.06: Call for Papers::ACM 7th Creativity and Cognition conference 2009:: Everyday Creativity: Shared Languages and Collective Action, October 27-30, 2009, Berkeley Art Museum, CA, USA, Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, in co-operation with SIGMM/SIGART
- 2009.6.27-28:第56次日本设计学会春季研究发表大会于名古屋市立大学召开(永井、佐野、周进行了研究发表)
- 2009.6.6: 举办了校园对外开放活动。


-2009.2.12: M2进行论文的最终审查。詳細は[[こちら>Final-Exam-08]]

- 佐野孝太郎(D3)的作品《远处记忆的断面(截断的风景)》入选第72回新制作品展出空间设计部门的相关展出。(展出期间:国立新美术馆、9.17-29)

- 2008.9.29:Two research works were presented at 18th Design and Systems conference
- 2008.7.25: The two awards are reported in the events section of the university's homepage 
- 2008.7.01: Two presentations from Design research lab are among the selection of excellent research presentations on The 55th JSSD conference 
- 2008.6.28-29: Research presentations at The 55th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) from 27 to 29th of June 2008 held in Hiroshima International University
- 2008.6.7: JAIST Open Campus
- 2008.4.19-21: Laboratory members participated in The East Asian A3 Project meeting held in Taiwan.
- 2008.4.5-7: Laboratory members participated in The East Asian A3 Project meeting held in Seoul, South Korea.
- 2008.4.5: JAIST Entrance ceremony
- 2008.3.25-27: Andy Dong, PhD., Senior Lecturer in University of Sydney <http://web.arch.usyd.edu.au/~adong>, visited our laboratory and gave talk entitled "Language technologies in design" on 10th KS-seminar

- 2008.9.5-7:日本&#35748;知科学会第25次大会于京都同志社大学召&#24320;(永井、森田、周、森津&#36827;行了研究&#21457;表)
- 2008.6.28:第55次日本&#35774;&#35745;学会春季研究&#21457;表大会于广&#23707;国&#38469;大学召&#24320;(永井、周、山田、&#23467;崎、欅田&#36827;行了研究&#21457;表)
-2008.6.7: &#20030;&#21150;了校&#22253;&#24320;放日。詳細は[[こちら>Open-Campus-08]]。

- 2008.5.19-24:成&#21592;展示活&#21160;《mindscape~各式各&#26679;的&#39118;景》于&#19996;京召&#24320;。詳細は[[こちら>mindscape]]。

- 2008.4.5-7:&#20026;A3&#39033;目,(M2&#23467;崎、山田)赴台湾。

- 2008.4.5-7: &#20026;A3&#39033;目,(M2&#23467;崎、山田)赴&#38889;国。

- 2008.4.5: &#20030;&#21150;入学式。

-2008.3.26:ANDY DONG先生于研究科研&#35752;会上&#21457;表演&#35762;。