Last update: 26 May 1999
Yoshito Nishioka
JAIST(JAPAN ADVANCED INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY) School of Materials Science 2nd-Grade Students of the Master Course
Past Reserch
Control and Measurement of Temperture of Super Fluid Liquid He

Present Reserch
SHG(optical second harmonic generation) observation from Au thin film on NaCl single crystal

biographical outline

I was born in 1975 at Shimane in Japan. I finished undergraduate course and got credit at SIST( SHIZUOKA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY)in Shizuoka,where I obtained a degree of bachelor of Science in physics in 1999. In the same year I entered JAIST School of Materials Science.
my data
Blood Type: O
Height: 170.5±2[cm]
Weight: 67±0.5[kg]