

論文 (Refereed Journal Articles)

  1. “Direct imprinting of indium–tin-oxide precursor gel
     and simultaneous formation of channel and source/drain in thin-film transistor”

    Ken-ichi Haga, Yuusuke Kamiya and Eisuke Tokumitsu
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, No. 2S2, 02CB14 (2018)
    論文PDF (Article PDF)

国際学会 (International Conference)

  1. “Solution-derived thin film transistor using indium-tin-oxide for both channel and source/drain regions”
    K. Haga, Y. Kamiya, P. Jain, E. Tokumitsu, 2018 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, Kitakyushu, July 2-4, 2018. paperA3-3

国内学会 (Domestic Conference)

  1. “Direct Imprinting and Electrical Properties of ITO Precursor Gel”
    Puneet Jain, Kenichi Haga and Eisuke Tokumitsu
    第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting) 20p-B401-10 早稲田大学 (2018/3/20)
    口頭発表 (Oral) アブストラクトPDF (Abstract PDF)