Speech Initiatives
Projects and Initiatives
A-STAR: Asia Speech Translation Project
CCC: Chinese Corpus Consortium
Chinese LDC
CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
COCOSDA: International Committee for Coordination and Standardization of Speech Databases
ELRA: European Language Resources Association
ELSNET: European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies
FLaReNet: Fostering Language Resources Network
GSK: Gengo Shigen Kyookai (Language Resource Association)
ISCA-SIGs: Special Interest Group, International Speech Communication Association
LDC: Linguistic Data Consortium
NII-SRC: Speech Resources Consortium, National Institute of Informatics
SITEC: Speech Information Technology and Industry Promotion Center
Technical Standardization Committee on Speech Input/Output Systems, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) (in Japanese)
Language Grid Project
Blizzard challenge (Speech synthesis)
NIST Speech Processing Evaluations (LVCSR, Speaker Recognition, Language Recognition)
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