Last update August 1, 2006

Technical Report #205


Game-Refinement Theory and Poker


Y. Uruma and H. Iida

Abstract. Poker is one of the gambling games with cards, and it is popular all over the world, especially in USA. In recent years, poker is played not only in the casinos also in game sites on the Internet. This paper summarizes the major rules of poker and defines the number pf possible options for players and the game length. We developed a computer program to simulate poker games and analyzed the game statistics such as the average possible options and game length. Based on the statistics, we compare the typical two variants of poker from the viewpoint of game-refinement theory, and show some notable differences between them.

This paper was presented at 10th Game Programming Workshop, November 18-20, 2005, Hakone, included in the Proceedings, IPSJ, Symposium Series Vol.2005, No.15. ISSN: 1344-0640




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