Last update August 1, 2006

Technical Report #206


Towards Periodic Table of Game Elements


T. Yamamoto and H. Iida

Abstract. The periodic table of the elements condenses the foundations in chemistry.  Likewise the rules of a game may condense the essence of the game. The degree of freedom for players exists in all games and tends to reflect the characters derived from the rules. In this study we try to make a periodic table of the game elements in order that we may observe every type of games on the same field. The table basically covers all games for which we can measure the degree of freedom or the average number of possible moves.  

This paper was presented at 10th Game Programming Workshop, November 18-20, 2005, Hakone, included in the Proceedings, IPSJ, Symposium Series Vol.2005, No.15. ISSN: 1344-0640




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