新村 拓真(Shimura Takuma)

生年月日 ????年(昭和?年)?月?日
富山県 出身



Shun Nishimura, Takuma Shimura, Kohki Ebitani
“Transfer hydrogenation of furaldehydes with sodium phosphinate as a hydrogen source using Pd-supported alumina catalyst”
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 79, 97-102.
(Special issue of the International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass (ISCCB-2016))

●学会発表等 Shun Nishimura, Takuma Shimura, Kohki Ebitani.
“Synthesis of furan alcohols through the transfer hydrogenation of furfural with sodium phosphinate as a hydrogen source”
The International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass (ISCCB-2016), Taipei, Taiwan, 2016.6.27-30.

新村拓真, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜.
第94回日本化学会春季年会, 名古屋, 2014.3.29.

新村拓真, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜.
平成25年度日本化学会北陸地区講演会と研究発表会, JAIST, 2013.11.22.
