Daily Archives: 2013年3月3日

seeing the aged with pupils

I visited a care institution with school children. This is a part of our attempt to establish inter-generation communication between the elderly and children. This was perhaps fifth or sixth year since we started the project. It is amazing to see children well prepared for the encounter by bringing origamis, board-games, a picture-story show, etc. with them. They were also quite open to communicating with the elderly. Some residents even surprised caregivers by painting on line drawings, which she used to refused to do as kids’ activities.


It is probably important to choose a task which requires participants to get closer. It creates more intimate relationships.

dancing in a virtual room

I have been to Osaka for a meeting with my colleagues. We are going to teach primary school students on 6th March and need to plan what to do there. The main topic is the bodily communication supplemented with a touch of technology. The future work should be hinted, which is somehow related to the inter-generation communication. Wow, challenging!


We are employing nuiCapture, which is easy to use as it does not require calibration and allows two people to be captured at the same time.


What shall we do is the important problem. Guys quickly found out how to play on it. Thank you!