Body is our temple

A skill develops as one keeps fragmenting his motion towards terminals, hierarchically, even to the cell level. This hierarchical fragmentation in return leads him to restructuring the whole body. That is, the work on micro motions trigers the realignment of the whole body, i.e., every tiny little part of it. This is the way the man transcends himself.

The fragmentation increases our sensitivity to the environment, your neigbours, and to yourself. Our mind touches the body, the environment, and the world to penetrate into them. The materials are transcended themselves by being penetrated by the mind, or by engaging in the process led by the mind.

Every small part may change the whole if it changes itself. The change transforms the raw material into the lived one. It also makes live ones more complex, informationally rich entities. (I admit the vision is neo-Platonic.) Body is our temple, the place for transformation. So is our neigbours, our environent, and our world.

I thank you, everyone whom I met in Malta for these three months. I thank you, the sun of Malta, the sea of Malta, and the land of Malta, for having supported my life. You are now part of my body and mind.

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