* 主な研究業績 [#ib23f7d6]

** 学術雑誌 [#i29590c7]
- Morita, J., Miwa, K., Kitasaka, T., Mori, K., Suenaga, Y., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., and Ishigaki, T. (in press). Interactions of Perceptual and Conceptual Processing: Expertise in Medical Image Diagnosis. Int J of Human-Computer Studies. (Draft, Science Direct.) 

- 永井由佳里・田浦俊春・森田純哉・竹内雄大 (2008). デザイン思考における概念空間の変形の観察.デザイン学研究 54 (5),79-86. 

- 林勇吾・三輪和久・森田純哉 (2007). 異なる視点に基づく協同問題解決に関する実験的検討.認知科学 14 (4),604-619.(Draft) 

- 森田純哉・三輪和久 (2005). 異なる他者の視点を取ることによる問題解決の変化: 類推の枠組みに即した検討. 認知科学 12 (4), 355-371. (Draft) 

- 森田純哉・三輪和久 (2005). 計算機モデルによるOpen-endな状況での認知の分析. 人工知能学会論文誌 20 (4), 306-317. (J-STAGE) 

** 国際会議 [#z01b2446]

- Morita, J., Nagai, Y., and Taura, T. (2007/11) Supporting Perspective Changes in Graphic Composition,The Second International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems,18-25. (JAISTリポジトリ) 

- Morita, J., Nagai, Y., & Taura, T. (2007/8). Learning support for composition ability: Surface and structural similarity. 16th International Conference of Engineering Design. (CD-ROM 10pages: Draft) 

- Morita, J., Nagai, Y., Taura, T., and Takeuchi, T. (2007/8). A Study on Creativity in Comparison with Linguistic Interpretation. In D. S. McNamara & J. G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1319-1324). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. 

- Morita, J., Miwa, K. Kitasaka, T., Mori, K., Suenaga, Y., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., & Ishigaki, T. (2005). Expertise in interactions of perceptual and conceptual processing. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1541-1546. (Conference site) 

- Morita, J., Miwa, K. Kitasaka, T., Mori, K., Suenaga, Y., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., & Ishigaki, T. (2004). Chance Discovery in Image Diagnosis: Analysis of Perceptual Cycles. the European Workshop on Chance Discovery, 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004, 162-171.(Draft) 

- Morita, J., & Miwa, K. (2004). Analogical retrieval from everyday experience: Analysis based on the MAC/FAC. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 969-974. (the society) 

- Morita, J., & Miwa, K. (2004). A Computational Analysis Model for Complex Open-ended Analogical Retrieval. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 202-207. (Draft) 

- Morita, J., & Miwa, K. (2003). Changes of inferences caused by obtaining different perspectives: Analysis based on analogical reasoning. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Science, 463-468.

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