Publications (Category ・Year)
Index by year:


  1. Dang, J., Honda, M., and Honda, K., (2004) “Investigation of coarticulation in continue speech in Japanese”, Acoustical Science and Technology, 25, 5, 318-329.

  2. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2004) “Construction and control of a physiological articulatory model,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 115(2), 853-870.

  3. Lu, X. Dang J. (2004)"Robust speech features representation based on computational auditory model", Journal of Acoustics (E), No.4, Vol.23, pp.316-324.

  4. Dang, J., Akagi, K. and Honda, K. (2004);Communication between Speech Production and Perception within the Brain –Observation and Simulation –“, J. Computer Science and Technology(submitted)

  5. Dang, J., Wei, J., Suzuki, T., Honda, K., Perrier, P, and Honda, M.(2004,12) “ Investigation and modeling of coarticulation in speech production”, International Symposium of Chinese Spoken Language 2004, 25-28 (Hong Kong, China)

  6. Dang, J., Akagi, M., and Honda, K. (2004,9): “Communication between Speech Production and Perception - Observation and Simulation –”, Proc. KSET2004, 381-388.

  7. Dang, J., Honda, K, and Perrier, P. (2004, 4) “Implement of Coarticulation in Physiological Articulatory Model,” International Congress of Acoustics 2004, 1335-1336, (Kyoto, Japan)

  8. Ito, S. Dang, J., and Akagi, M. (2004, 4) “Investigation of the acoustic features of emotional speech using a physiological articulatory model,” International Congress of Acoustics 2004, 2225-2226, (Kyoto, Japan)

  9. Zhou, X, LU, X. Dang, J., and Badin, P. (2004, 4) “Coupling Parameters Estimation for Two-layer Model of the Velum,” International Congress of Acoustics 2004, 1485-1488, (Kyoto, Japan)

  10. Lu, X and Dang, J. (2004, 4) “Speech Recognition Based on a Combination of Traditional Speech Features with Articulatory Information,” International Congress of Acoustics 2004, 3499-3502, (Kyoto, Japan)

  11. Jianwu Dang, Kiyoshi Honda, Pascal Perrier (2004),"IMPLEMENT OF COARTICULATION IN PHYSIOLOGICAL ARTICULATORY MODEL ", ICA 2004, Kyoto.

  12. Xuefeng Zhou, Xugang Lu, Jianwu Dang, Pierre Badin (2004), "COUPLING PARAMETERS ESTIMATION FOR TWO-LAYER MODEL OF THE VELUM ", ICA 2004, Kyoto.



  15. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2004) “Construction and control of a physiological articulatory model,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, impress
  16. Matsuoka, R., Lu, X., Dang, J., Akagi, M. (2004, 12): “Investigation of interaction between speech perception and speech production,” KIT International Symposium on Brain and Language 2004, 27-28.

  17. 錦戸,党(2004,10):“生理学的発話機構モデルを用いてQuantal theoryを考慮した音声から発話状態の推定,” 信学技報、SP2004-69,13-18.

  18. 松岡,Lu, 党,赤木,(2004,10): “調音情報を考慮した聴覚系と発話系の相互作用に関する検討,” 日本音音響学会聴覚研究会資料、Vol.34, No.8, 585-590.

  19. 党、赤木、本多 (2004,9):“音声生成と知覚の相互作用についての検討”、日本音響学会秋季全国大会論文集, 256-266

  20. 葭原,Lu, 党(2004,9):“局部細分化による話者特徴量の抽出と話者識別への適用について,” 日本音響学会秋季全国大会論文集, 93-94

  21. Lu, X., Dang, J. (2004,9): “Sub-band temporal envelope estimation based on Bayesian inference with prior PDF,” 日本音響学会秋季全国大会論文集, 111-112

  22. 葭原、Lu、党(2004,7):“生理学的特徴量の話者識別における有効性についての検討”、信学技報、SP2004-40,1-6.

  23. Lu, X., and Dang, J. (2004, 3): “Speech Recognition Based on a Combination of Traditional Speech Features with Articulatory Information,” Proc. of IEICE Tech. Report, 1-6

  24. 本多、党 (2004,3):“音声生成機構のMRI観測と生理学的調音モデル,” 信学技報、SP2003-188, 13-18.

  25. Xugang Lu, Jianwu Dang, (2004),"Contribution of articulatory movements to speech recognition", IEICE technical report, 2004, Vol 103, No. 749

  26. 本多清志,党 建武 (2004), "音声生成機構のMRI観測と生理学的調音モデル", IEICE technical report, 2004, Vol 103, No. 749

  27. 朴雪梅,党 建武,五味裕章,赤木正人(2004),"生理学的発話機構モデルのダイナミカル特性の改善について" 音響学会春季全国大会, 293-294

  28. 党 建武,本多 清志(2004) ,"拮抗筋の同時収縮を考慮した生理学的発話機構モデルによる音声合成", 音響学会春季全国大会, 297-298
  29. Xugang Lu, Jianwu Dang, 2004 " Robust speech feature extraction by integrating temporal and frequency processing mechanisms in auditory model" 音響学会春季全国大会, 7-8.
  30. 五味、朴、党、誉田(2004)”模倣による調音ダイナミクスモデル制御の獲得”信学会研究会、1ー6



  1. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2003, 12). "A control method considering the static and dynamic characteristics of the articulatory model", International seminar of speech production, Sydney, Australia

  2. Perrier, P., Dang, J., Payan, Y., and Ma, L. (2003, 12). "Assessing target-based models for speech motor control: comparison of their predictions of coarticulatory effects and evaluation of Chinese and French data." International seminar of speech production, Sydney, Australia

  3. Gomi, H. Nozoe, J, and Dang, J. (2003,12) "Physiologically based lip model for generating speech articulation", International seminar of speech production, Sydney, Australia

  4. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2003, 9). " Consideration of muscle co-contraction in a physiological model,” Eurospeech 2003, 2361-2364 (Geneva, Switzerland)

  5. Markov, K., Dang, J., Iizuka1, Y., and Nakamura, S. (2003,9) “Hybrid HMM/BN ASR System Integrating Spectrum and Articulatory Features,” Eurospeech 2003, 965-968 (Geneva, Switzerland)

  6. 野添、党、本多、五味 (2003.9)”リアルな調音生成を目指した口唇音ダイナミクスモデルの構築”,日本音響学会秋期全国大会論文集、293-294.

  7. Dang, J., Iizuka1, Y., Markov, K., and Nakamura, S. (2003,8) “Improvement of Speech Recognition Method Using Speech Production Mechanism,” Proc. ICPhS, 731-734, (Barcelona, Spain)

  8. Dang, J., Markov, K., Iizuka1, Y., and Nakamura, S. (2003,6) “Application of articulatory dynamics on speech recognition,” 信学技報, SP2003-40, 31-36.



  1. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2002) " Estimation of vocal tract shape from sounds via a physiological articulatory model," J. Phonetics, 30, 511-532

  2. 党 建武、正木信夫:(全訳、2002)“母音の音源に関する生理と物理及びモデル化” 日本音響学会誌, 58, 426-437

  3. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2002, 12). "Improvements of a Physiological Articulatory Model in Construction and Control Strategy,” JASA Vol. 112, No. 5, p.2418, First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics (Cancun, Mexico)

  4. Takano, S, Honda, K. and Dang, J. (2002, 12). "Geometric analysis of the tongue muscle based on MRI and functional modeling of the tongue,” JASA Vol. 112, No. 5, p.2418, First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics (Cancun, Mexico)

  5. Dang, J., Honda, M., and Honda, K. (2002, 9). "Investigation of coarticulation based on electromagnetic articulographic data," Proc. ICSLP2002, 1521-1524.

  6. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2002, 3). " Motor control for a physiological articulatory model involving muscle antagonism,” Conf. On Motor Speech (Williamsberg, VA, USA)



  1. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2001) "A physiological model of a dynamic vocal tract for speech production," J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn (E), Accepted



  1. 党、本多 (2000,3):''生理学的調音モデルを用いた音声信号に基づく声道形状の推定,”音響学会春季全国大会, 263-264.

  2. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2000, 5). "Estimation of vocal tract shape from speech sounds via a physiological articulatory model," Proc. International Workshop of Speech Production, 233-236, (Munich, Germany).

  3. Erickson, D., Maekawa, K., Hashi, M., Dang, J. (2000). ``Some articulatory and acoustic changes associated with emphasis in spoken English,'' Proceedings of the International Conference of Spoken Language Processing, 3, 247-250.

  4. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (2000, 10). "Improvement of a physiological articulatory model for synthesis of vowel sequences," Proc. ICSLP-2000, 457-460 (Beijing,China).



  1. Erickson, D, Fujimura, O., and Dang, J. (1999.3). "Emphasized versus unemphasized /aJ/: Jaw, tongue and formants," J. Acoust. Soc. Ame., Vol 105, pp. 1354.

  2. Wu, C., Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1999.3). "A design of laryngeal structures for a physiological articulatory model," J. Acoust. Soc. Ame., Vol 105, pp. 1304.

  3. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1999.3). "Speech synthesis of VCV sequences using a physiological articulatory model," J. Acoust. Soc. Ame., Vol 105, pp. 1091.

  4. Lee, L., Dang, J., and Deng, L. (1999.8). "A computation model for 2D articulation: Speech production with potential use in recognition," Proc. ICPhS-99, 2529-2532 (San Francisco, USA)

  5. Erickson, D., Fujimura, O., and Dang, J. (1999). ``Emphasized vs. unemphasized /aJ/: Jaw, tongue and formants,'' Acustica, 85, Suppl 1,1354 (A).

  6. Dang, J., Sun, J., Deng, L., and Honda, K. (1999.8). "Speech synthesis using a physiological articulatory model with feature-based rules," Proc. ICPhS-99, 2267-2270 (San Francisco, USA)

  7. Wu, Dang, and Honda (1999,9):''Fundamental frequency controlusing a physiological laryngeal model,”音響学会秋季全国大会,241-242.

  8. 党、本多 (1999,9):''生理学的調音モデルを用いる音声合成法,” 音響学会秋季全国大会, 243-244.

  9. Erickson, D, Fujimura, O., and Dang, J. (1999.11). "Articulatory and acoustic characteristics of emphasized and unemphasized vowels," J. Acoust. Soc. Ame., Vol 106, pp. 2241.

  10. Wu, C., Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1999.12). "Measuring and modeling of speech production," Proc. of Biomedical Engineering Society 1999, 42-43.




  1. 党、本多 (1998,3):”生理学的調音モデルに基づく3次元声道形状の生成”、音響学会全国大会、265-266.

  2. Dang, J. (1998.6) "End correction in an acoustic model of thevocal tract -effects of the side branches on sound -," JASA, 103, 5, p. 2776.

  3. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1998.6). "A physiological model of a dynamic vocal tract for speech production," ATR Technical Report.

  4. Kawanishi, Y., Dang, J., Shadle, C., Honda, K., and Suzuki,H. (1998.8). "An experimental study of the open end correction coefficient for the transmission line model of speech production," International Workshop of Speech Production, Hokkaido, Japan

  5. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1998.8). "A Physiological Model of a Dynamic Vocal Tract for Speech Production," International Workshop of Speech Production, Hokkaido,Japan.

  6. Dang, J., Shadle, C., Kawanishi, Y., Honda, K., and Suzuki, H. (1998.8) "An experimental study of the open end correction coefficient for side branches with an acoustic tube," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 2, 1075-1084.

  7. 党、本多 (1998,9):”生理学的調音モデルを用いた母音系列の合成,”音響学会春季全国大会, 257-258.

  8. Dang, J. and Honda, K. (1998.12). "Speech production of vowel sequences using a physiological articulatory model," Proc. ICSLP98, Vol. 5, pp1767-1770.




  1. Dang, J., Honda, K. (1997,3):"舌の三次元的変形と筋電図との関連について, " 音響学会春季全国大会, 241-242.

  2. Dang, J., Honda, K., and Tohkura, Y. (1997.4). ``Investigation of Chinese vowel articulation using X-ray microbeam system,'' Proc. of the first China-Japan workshop on spoken language processing, 73-78.

  3. Dang, J., Honda, K., and Tohkura, Y. (1997.6). ``3D observation of the tongue articulatory movement for Chinese vowels,'' 信学技報、SP97-11, 9-16.

  4. Dang, J., Shadle, C., Kawanishi, Y. Honda, K., and Suzuki, H. (1997,6). " An experimental study of the open end correction coefficient for side branches within an acoustic tube,''TechnicalReport, TR-H-219.

  5. 党、本多 (1997,9). "傍矢状面の変形を考慮した舌の生理学的モデル,"音響学会秋季全国大会, 311-312.

  6. 和久本、正木、党、本多、藤本、中村、島田 (1997,10). "造影プレートを利用したMRIによる歯冠部造影法とその構音への影響," 音響学会秋季全国大会, 397-398.

  7. Wakumoto, M., Masaki, S., Dang, J., Honda, K. Shimada,. Y., Fujimoto, I., and Nakamura, Y. (1997.10). ''Visualization of dental crown shape in an MRI-based speech production study,'' Proc. Tumor biology& Miscellaneous, 189-190.

  8. Dang, J., Shadle, C., and Suzuki, H. (1997.12)."An experimental study of the open-end correction coefficient for side branches within an acoustic tube and its application,'' JASA Vol. 102, No. 5, pp. 3167.
  9. Dang, J. and Honda, H. (1997.12). ``A physiological model of the tongue and jaw for simulating deformation in the midsagittal and parasagittal planes'' JASA Vol.102, No. 5, pp. 3167.

  10. Dang, J., and Honda, K. (1997). "Acoustic characteristics of the piriform fossa in models and humans," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 456-465.




  1. 河西、小淵、党、中井、鈴木 (1996,5):"FEMモデルと実形モデルとの比較による梨状窩の音響特性の検討”、信学技報、SP96-4, pp. 1-8.

  2. 河西、党、本多、鈴木 (1996,5):"音響管内にある分岐の開口補正とその形状との関連について”、信学技報、SP96-4, pp. 23-30.

  3. Dang, J., Honda, K. (1996,5): "Acoustical modeling of the vocal tract based on morphological reality: Incorporation of the paranasal sinuses and the piriform Fossa," 4th speech production seminar (Autrans, France).

  4. Dang, J. (1996,6):"An improved speech production model incorporating morphological details," Workshop of Speech ProductionTheory, Hokaido.

  5. Dang, J., Honda, K. (1996,10): "An improved vocal tract model of vowel production implementing piriform fossa resonance and transvelar nasal coupling," ICSLP96,965-968 (Philadelphia, USA).

  6. Dang, J., Kawanishi, Y., Shadle, C., Honda, K., and Suzuki,H. (1996,12):" Examination of the open end correction coefficient for side branches within an acoustic tube,", Third joint meeting of ASA and ASJ, 899-904, (Hawaii, USA)

  7. 党,河西,Shadle (1996): "声道内にある分岐の放射端補正係数の測定”, 日本音響学会春季全国大会.

  8. Dang, J, and Honda, K. (1996): "A new method for measuring anti-resonance details of the vocal transmission characteristics -- an experimental study of acoustic tube", J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn (E), 17, pp. 93-99.

  9. Dang, J., and Honda, K. (1996). "Acoustic characteristics of the human paranasal sinuses derived from transmission characteristic measurement and morphological observation," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 3374-3383.




  1. 党、本多 (1995,3):”梨状窩(pyriform fossa)の音響スペクトルへの影響” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.225-226.

  2. 党、本多 (1995,3):”副鼻腔音響特性の観測” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.219-220.

  3. 党、本多 (1995,5):”母音発話時の音声スペクトルに対する梨状窩の影響”、信学技報、SP95-10, 1-8 .

  4. Suzuki, H., J. Dang, Nakai, T., Ishida, A, and Sakakibara, H. (1995,6): "3-D FEM analysis of sound propagation in the vocal tract for nasalized sounds," 15th ICA,Norway, 425-428.

  5. Dang, J., Honda, K. (1995,8) :"An investigation of the acoustic characteristics of the paranasal cavities," ICPhS95, Vol.1, 342-345.

  6. 党、本多 (1995,10): ”鼻腔と口腔との音響結合における軟口蓋の機能” 日本音響学会講演論文集, pp.235-236.

  7. Dang, J., and Honda, K. (1995,12) "Acoustic characteristics ofthe human paranasal sinuses derived from sound pressure measurement and morphological observation," ATR TR-H-179.

  8. 平井,党,本多 (1995): "舌と喉頭との相互作用を考慮した発話器官の生理学モデル",日本音響学会誌 51, 12, 918-928.




  1. 鈴木久喜、党 建武、中井孝芳、石田 彰 (1994,3):”鼻腔.副鼻腔形状のMRI観測と3次元音響管モデルによる伝達特性の解析” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.661-664.

  2. 平井啓之、党 建武、本多清志 (1994,3):”発話器官モデルによる音声の生成” 日本音響学会講演論文、 pp.669-670.

  3. 党 建武、本多清志 (1994,3):”発話時の軟口蓋の形態の観測と音圧の測定” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.647-648.

  4. Suzuki, H., Ishida, A., Nakai, T. and Dang, J. (1994,6):"MRI measurement and 3-D analysis of the nasal and paranasal cavities." J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95, p.2824.

  5. Hirai, H, Dang J., and Honda K. (1994,6):"Production of speech from a physiological model of speech organs," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95, p.2823.

  6. Suzuki, H., Dang, J., Nakai, K. Ishida, A. and Sakakibara, H. (1994,9):" 3-D FEM analysis of sound propagation in the nasal and paranasal cavities," Proc. ICSLP 94, 171-174, Yokohama (1994).

  7. Honda, K. Hirai, H. and Dang, J. (1994,9):"A physiological model of speech organs and the implications of the tongue-larynx interaction," Proc. ICSLP 94, 175-178,Yokohama.

  8. Dang, J., Honda, K. (1994,9):"Investigation of the acoustic characteristics of the velum for vowels," Proc. ICSLP 94, 603-606,Yokohama.

  9. 党、本多 (1994.10):”音響管内音圧と放射端音圧による音響管特性の測定方法の検討” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.375-376.

  10. Dang, J., Honda, K (1994,11):" A new method for measuring vocaltract transmission characteristics", ATR Tech. Report, TR-H-108.

  11. Dang, J., Honda, K. and Suzuki, H. (1994). "Morphological andacoustical analysis of the nasal and the paranasal cavities,"J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 2088-2100.




  1. 党 建武、本多清志、鈴木久喜 (1993,3):”MRI画像による鼻腔及び副鼻腔の計測” 日本音響学会講演論文集  pp.197-198.

  2. 党 建武、本多清志、鈴木久喜 (1993,3):”鼻腔形状の計測と鼻腔音響特性の分析” 信学技報、SP92-137, pp.1-8.

  3. 党 建武、本多清志、鈴木久喜 (1993,7):”静的な鼻腔音響モデルの検討” 最先端音声工学論文集 pp.22-26.

  4. 党 建武、本多清志、鈴木久喜 (1993,10):”鼻子音発声時における声道形状の計測と音声の分析” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.269-270.

  5. Dang, J., Honda, K. and Suzuki, H.(1993,10):"Morphological and acoustical analysis of the nasal and the paranasal cavities" ATR Tech. Report TR-H-030.

  6. Dang, J., Honda, K and Suzuki, H. (1993,10):"MRI measurement and acoustic analysis of the nasal and paranasal cavities" 126th meeting of Acoust. Soc. Am.

  7. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1993): ”破裂子音における口腔内圧及び放射音圧の測定とシミュレーション” 日本音響学会誌 Vol. 49, No.5, 313-320.




  1. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1992,3):”連続音声における軟口蓋の音響モデル” 信学技報 SP91-126 pp.31-38.

  2. Dang, J., Nakai T. and Suzuki, H. (1992,9):"Investigation of sound radiations from the lips and the nostrils in nasalized speech" ICA Vol.3 G2-7, Beijing.

  3. 党 建武、本多清志、鈴木久喜 (1992.10):”連続音声における鼻咽腔等価開口面積の推定”日本音響学会講演論文集  pp.345-346.

  4. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1992):”有声破裂子音における口腔内音圧と鼻孔からの放射の測定とシミュレーション” 静岡大学電子科学研究科研究報告  Vol.13, 29-38.

  5. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1992):”声道内音圧及び頬の振動加速度による頬インピーダンスの測定” 日本音響学会誌  Vol.48, No.9, 621-628.




  1. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜(1991,3):”発声時の口腔内圧と発声器官各部位からの放射音の測定” 日本音響学会講演論文集  pp.295-296 .

  2. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1991,3):”頬の振動加速度及び口腔内外音圧による頬インピーダンスの測定” 信学技報 SP90-103 pp.1-8.

  3. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1991,3):”連続音声発声時の鼻孔からの放射音圧の測定" 信学技報 SP90-103 pp.9-16.

  4. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜(1991,10):”有声破裂子音バズ区間の音響特性による声道壁インピーダンスの推定” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.215-216 .

  5. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1991):”連続音声発声時の鼻孔からの放射音圧の文脈による変化の測定” 電子通信学会論文誌 J74-A, 7, 1121-1124.

  6. 鈴木久喜、党 建武、中井孝芳 (1991):”非鼻音化音声における鼻孔放射音圧の測定と 鼻腔口腔間の音響漏洩のシミュレーション” 電子通信学会論文誌 J74-A, 12, 1705-1714.




  1. 党 建武、中井孝芳、鈴木久喜 (1990,3):”鼻腔と口腔の相互作用及び副鼻腔の影響” 日本音響学会講演論文集 pp.259-260.

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