ccftp: concurrent FTP/HTTP client

ccftp is a benchmark client for FTP and HTTP. You can retrive contents concurrently and iteratively. Some server does not care concurrent requests. This program can test that of the server.

Using -n and -i, you can specify 6 requests for URL with 3 threads.

% ccftp -n 3 -i 2 URL


% ./ccftp -h ccftp - concurrent FTP client $Revision: 1.6 $ usage: ./ccftp [options] options: -h print this message -n num the number of session(threads) ; 1 -i num the number of iteration ; 1 -F write downloaded files ; DISABLE -> /dev/null -o path path for download ; 'd%d-%d.out' -T num session timeout ; 1201 [s] -R num HTTP read timeout ; 3000000 [us] -m num monitoring interval ; 3 [s] example: % ccftp -n 8 % ccftp -n 4 -i 4 % ccftp -n 3 -o '/tmp/x%d-%d'