We assume you have installed Maude on your laptop. If not, please go to http://maude.uiuc.edu to download and install it. 1. After launch Maude, use the command, cd to the folder where files like "full-maude.maude" "ots-maude.maude" are; 2. Run the full-maude by loading the file "full-maude.maude" into Maude with command load full-maude; 3. Run the translator by loading the file "ots-maude.maude" into Maude with command load ots-maude; 4. Input your file like NSPK.mod with command load NSPK.mod; 5. Use command (conv2maude .) to translate the input OTS/CafeOBJ specification; 6. Use command (show module MODULE-NAME .) to output the translated specification. If you are interested in the translator and have any questions about it, please contact me via zhangmin@jaist.ac.jp. Welcome any bug reports and comments. Have fun^_^