The Special Issue of Journal of Natural Language Processing
for Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing 2008 (EMALP 2008)

Call for Papers


With the rapid increase of documents written in Asian Languages, the development of fundamental methods, tools, and corpora for processing Asian languages would be expected as key solutions for helping Asian people effectively access and communicate with people around the world.

Empirical methods are regarded as key techniques for dealing with natural language processing problems. For instance, machine translation, text summarization, and information extraction are typical examples for illustrating their efficiency. To enhance studies on empirical methods for Asian languages, we organized EMALP 2008, the 2008 Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing Workshop, in Hanoi, Vietnam, 16 December 2008, inviting researchers and developers in the area to discuss and exchange new ideas and latest achievements in the field. The scope of the workshop covered applications, systems, technologies and theoretical aspects of empirical methods for text and spoken language.

Given the interest the workshop enjoyed, a special issue of the Journal of Natural Language Processing in Japan will be devoted to Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing. Contributions are not limited to those presented at EMALP 2008. Submissions from all interested authors are solicited.

Topics of Interest

Papers are invited for consideration in all aspects of Natural Language Processing for Asian Language, including (but not restricted to):

Instructions for Paper Submission

Submissions should be sent by email in PDF format to:

nguyenml (at)

...accompanied by the following information in a plain text:

The e-mail subject should be: “EMALP Paper Submission: The First Author Name.”

Confirmation E-mail on the paper receipt will be sent to the first author within a few days.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX to format their papers and use the Journal of Natural Language Processing in Japan style file which is available, together with proper instructions on how to use it, at the Association of Natural Language Processing Site (Japanese only):

For those who do not read the Japanese language instruction, the following sample code would help to write:

Papers should not exceed 19 pages in length, in the above mentioned format.

Please hide author names, and their biographies in the reviewing step.

Important Dates


All submissions will be subject to the usual refereeing procedure of the Journal of Natural Language Processing. Contributions must be original, and must not have been submitted to, or published in, other journals.

Publication Charge

Papers selected for publication in the Journal of Natural Language Processing in Japan are subject to a charge of JPY 30,000 per printed journal page. One hundred (100) free reprints are provided when the paper has been published in the journal. The standard length of a Journal paper is 15 printed journal pages. When the number of printed pages exceeds 15, the author will be assessed an excess-page charge of JPY 5,000 per page for excessive page. The charge is determined by the number of printed pages, which is shown in the author's proof. The total amount will be invoiced, through the author, to the author's company, institution, or agency. There may be an extra charge for a Journal paper which is written using MSWord, or which is very costly to compose.

Exemption from the Publication Charge

The Association of Natural Language Processing in Japan has the exemption system of the publication charges for those who do not have any support from their affiliations. If you want to apply for it, please let us know when you submit your paper. Accepted applicants will be exempted from charges up to JPY 50,000 after the reviewing process by the editorial committee.

Guest Editors

Last Updated: January 14th, 2010 by Le-Minh Nguyen <nguyeml (at)>.