[[Research topics]]


*二者間の行動を多センサ計測した時系列データの非線形解析 [#bea9d554]

*Analysis of nonlinear dynamics in multisensory time series of two-agent communication [#o85b0d8c]

**関連する発表論文 [#zd7bbb63]
**Related papers (See also [[other publications>Publications]]/ 関連する発表論文 ([[その他の論文など>Publications]]) [#m8f5f5a8]

-Hidaka, S., Yu, C. (2010) Analyzing Multimodal Time Series as Dynamical Systems, ICMI-MLMI 2010.

-Yu, C., Smith, T., Hidaka, S., Smith, L. B. (2010) A Data-Driven Paradigm to Understand Multimodal Communication in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction, The Ninth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, May 19-21, IDA2010.

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