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Masashi UNOKI and Masato AKAGI,
"A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis,"
Working Notes of the IJCAI-97 Workshop on CASA, pp. 93-102, August 1997.
Last modified:
2 June 2001



This paper presents a method of extracting the desired signal from a noise-added signal as a model of acoustic source segregation. Using physical constraints related to the four regularities proposed by Bregman, the proposed method can solve the problem of segregating two acoustic sources. These physical constraints correspond to the regularities, which we have translated from qualitative conditions into quantitative conditions. Three simulations were carried out using the following signals: (a) noise-added AM complex tone, (b) mixed AM complex tones, and (c) noisy synthetic vowel. The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated using two measures: precision, that is, likely SNR, and spectrum distortion (SD). As results using the signals (a) and (b), the proposed method can extract the desired AM complex tone from noise-added AM complex tone or mixed AM complex tones, in which signal and noise exist in the same frequency region. In particular, the average of the reduced SD is about $20$ dB. Moreover, as the result using the signal (c), the proposed method can also extract the speech signal from noisy speech.

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  • Created by M. Unoki, 6 Nov. 2000