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Masashi UNOKI and Masato AKAGI
"A Method of Signal Extraction from Noise-added signal,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan (IEICE Trans. A), Part 3, Vol. 80, No.11, 1997
Last modified:
14 April 2001

This paper proposes a new method of signal extraction from dirty signals with noise. The method is constructed by modeling some constraints of Auditory Scene Analysis (ASA) proposed by Bregman computationally. It segregates the signal from noise by using the amplitude envelope and the phase deviation of the noise-added signal passed through a wavelet filterbank. To evaluate the method, segregation examination of a pure-tone from amplitude modulated narrow-band noise whose center frequency is the same as the pure-tone frequency, is performed. The result indicates that the model can extract the pure-tone, whose SN ratio in creases about 20 dB.

Key words : auditory scene analysis, two acoustic sources segregation, co-modula tion masking release(CMR), gammatone filter, wavelet filterbank.



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  • Created by M. Unoki, 6 Nov. 2000