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Simulations of segregation

In this section, simulations are carried out using the previous method. For each mixed signal, the parameters of the proposed method are set so that the small segment is $\Delta t=3/f_0$ and TB is past time of about $100\Delta t$. In the segregated duration ( $T_{\rm {on}} \leq t \leq T_{\rm {off}}$), let $S_{\max}$ be the maximum of Sk(t), $\Delta B=0.027\cdot S_{\max}$and $\Delta \theta=\pi/20$. However, $\Delta A$ is set to $\Delta A=\vert A_k(T_r-\Delta t)-A_k(T_r-2\Delta t)\vert$based on Eq. ([*]) because it is difficult to determine as a constant by as it is affected by Ck(t)=Ck,0, $T_r \leq t <
T_r+\Delta t$.


Masashi Unoki