
Use of Knowledge for Community Development

*This Lab. is not accepting new student.

SHIKIDA Laboratory
Professor:SHIKIDA Asami

[Research areas]
Community Development
Tourism, Resource development, Education, City planning

Skills and background we are looking for in prospective students

To start your research, we will not require specific knowledge and skills. However, students are expected to continuously improve skills and collaborate with members of our laboratory. When conducting research, students should keep the following in mind: output the result of the research and create value from the research. Students should think logically when conducting research.

What you can expect to learn in this laboratory

Students can develop a well-founded way of thinking by choosing a research theme that is interesting; students should then use the knowledge, information, and data acquired through investigations and former studies. Since we encourage students to create value from research, they carry out research and develop a method of research to produce research results and outputs. We define “output” as “to gain the sympathy of people in the field not to persuade them.” Thus, the students learn strategies for marketing their work and research properly. In our laboratory, the students work together with people of the local community or organization as the subject of the research and joint researchers regardless of whether they are doctoral students or master’s students, so students learn facilitation of teamwork and collaboration.

【Job category of graduates】
Public workers(such as local governments and government agencies), project and international cooperation consultant firms, researchers, and independent entrepreneur

Research outline

Our laboratory carries out research mainly in the following three areas:

(1) Innovation for community resource strategies

We study methods of effective use of community resources and innovation to maintain an area and the local community and economy. To maintain the area, ways to utilize its resources are important. Thus, we elucidate a resource utilization method depending on characteristics of each resource and a mechanism of the method and propose a prototype of an innovative resource utilization method.

(2) Effective ways of working and developing human resources

We study methods for training and developing human resources in the local community to vitalize the community. In the local community, human resources for joint academy-industry-government projects are in high demand. However, a sufficient number of specialists has not been developed.

(3) Intermediate systems for regional revitalization through tourism

We study intermediate systems of support organizations to support regional revitalization.The intermediate system is an intermediate organization to connect production with consumption and service provision with service receipt and an important organization to a future society. We enrich a local community in the near future by analyzing the intermediate system. We consider that a local government is the main body of service provision and the subject of our joint industry-university research.

Key publications

  1. Asami Shikida et al.(2010)Tourism relationship model and intermediary for sustainable tourism management: Case study of the Kiritappu Wetland Trust in Hamanaka, Hokkaido, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10, pp.105-115.


Open access discussion room and common room for easy chat for innovative research

Teaching policy

We develop students’ ability to think deeply and continuously. We recommend that students make presentations and express their opinions. We encourage students to study autonomously and suggest new ideas and plans. On the other hand, I expect students to progress as in the proverb “On the shoulders of giants.” Studies for master’s and doctoral theses take time as with mountain climbing and marathons. We run alongside you so that you can run the whole distance. We also coach you for adequate techniques for supporting your research.

[Website] URL:https://www.jaist.ac.jp/~as-asami/index-e.html
