ゼミ名   : 社会性昆虫ゼミ  文献    : Information Processing in Social Insects  文献編集者 : C.Detrain, J.L.Deneubourg, J.M.Pasteels  文献紹介  : This book provides a synthesis of present research on Information processing in insect societies. The first section concentrates on information flows between nestmates and group size effect on the regulation of task allocations. The second section focuses on perception and behavioral response thresholds. The structuring role of these thresholds in social life as well as their determinants is discussed extensively. The last two sections develop different though complementary approaches which either put the stress on the individual complexity of information management or refer to some simplicity of decision rules associated with amplifying phenomena. Most scientists are unaware of these different approaches to information management in insect colonies in connection with their social organization. The book will provide a first comprehensive overview of both experimental and theoretical research in this field. Its purpose is to make the reader familiar with the methodology and ways of thinking followed by scientists at the leading edge of the field. The book is aimed at postgraduate students and researchers working on social insects and insects that live in groups as well as any reader interested in behavioural ecology, communication and social organization.