発表者:畠山剛臣 日 時:4/18(Fri) 14:00 場 所:知識2棟2階セミナールーム 内 容:研究進捗状況の報告 (主テーマ「細胞膜の起源及び進化に関する構成論的研究」) アブストラクト: In this report we propose a model of evolution of cell membranes.We at first explain the basic characterisitics of all membranes focusing membrane transport.Then we introduce Kaneko et.al.'s protocellular model.In their model all molecules have equivalent permeability.But this assumption has a weak biological ground as explained above.Thus we propose a primordial membrane dynamics in which the permeability of a cell depends on the contents in itself.We study how the permeability of protocells evolves along with autocatalytic cycles in the cells. The permeability of the cell menbrane depends on membrane proteins.In the primitive Earth environment, however, it is said that no protein exists.Although there is an evidence that small molecules help permeability in protocellular membranes.It is still big problem how cells obtain the ability for verious molecules.Therefore we should study the evolution of permeability as one of the main issue in the origin of life.