Welcome to Ishikawa!     石川県へようこそ

An Introduction to International Exchange Organizations

In Japan the season for transferring to new jobs is March and April, but for many foreigners it is the summertime, so that there are probably many foreigners arriving in Ishikawa for the first time this month. Here is an introduction of some groups in Ishikawa involved in international exchange activities or Japanese language instruction.

****** International Exchange Organizations *****

* Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange (IFIE)

(920) Kanazawa-shi Shimohonda-machi 5-25
tel (0762)62-5931; fax (0762)63-5931
IFIE is one of the major players in promoting international exchange in Ishikawa Prefecture. Its activities include hosting technical trainees from overseas, organizing seminars on international understanding for local residents, producing an English and a Chinese map of the prefecture, providing information for both Japanese and foreign residents, and promoting their exchange. Its office has a small library containing books in English and other languages which introduce Japanese culture lifestyle. Many of these books can be borrowed. The office also provides interpretation and translation services in English, French, Chinese and Russian.
Every fourth Saturday of each month, IFIE holds a free legal consultation session for foreigners. Interpretation is provided in Chinese, English, French and Russian.

* International Cultural Exchange Center

4th floor, Ishikawa Social Education Center (Shakyo Center)
(920) Kanazawa-shi Honda-machi 3-2-15
tel (0762)23-9575; fax (0762)23-9585
Located on the fourth floor of the Ishikawa Social Education Center, it provides a wide range of services to promote activities between local residents and foreigners. They include a homestay program (for seminar students only), foreign language courses and Japanese language courses for foreigners. In its library, there are books written in foreign languages, books about foreign countries, and foreign language magazines and newspapers. The materials in the library can be borrowed with a library card.

* Ishikawa Foreign Students Association

(920)Kanazawa-shi Yasue-cho 1-1
tel (0762)23-7421
The Foreign Students Association gives day-to-day support for foreign students studying in Ishikawa. It provides consultations for the students and organizes bazaars for household items. Every Saturday from 2:00pm to 5:30pm, an "International Coffee Hour" is held which provides an opportunity for foreign students and local residents to promote new friendships. The Association also has a bazaar set up for foreign students during regular office hours.

* Ishikawa Women's Society for International Exchange

(International Exchange Lounge)
(920)Kanazawa-shi Hirosaka-chi 1-1
tel (0762)21-9901
Widely known as the International Exchange Lounge, it is widely used by foreign residents of the prefecture, Through the use of volunteers, it offers lessons on Japanese and Japanese culture. It also introduces Ishikawa to foreigners through traditional Japanese arts and activities, and conducts many colorful international activities such as "Girls' Festival", Christmas party and "Blue Sky Recycle Market".

* Kanazawa Goodwill Guide Network

(920) Kanazawa-shi, Hyakubangai North Wing
Tel : (0762) 31-6311
Located in a corner of the North wing of JR Kanazawa Hyakubangai shopping precinct inside the Kanazawa Tourist Information Centre, this organisation offers a tour guide service to foreign visitors. Staffed by a total of 47 English speaking volunteers, including 1 man and 1 foreigner, ( leader - Takiguchi Shigeko ), it offers daily tours of tourist locations in Kanazawa and Ishikawa prefecture. If you are prepared to pay the expenses of the guide ( food, entrance fees etc ) you can make use of this service.

* Kanazawa International Exchange Foundation (KIEF)

(920)Kanazawa-shi Naga-machi 2-2-43
tel (0762)20-2522; fax (0762)20-2527
KIEF provides services related to international exchange in Kanazawa. Its main functions include providing information and assisting foreign students. Other activities include setting up homestays (mainly short-term), providing volunteer guides for foreign visitors and conducting foreign language lessons for local residents. The office also provides interpretation services in Chinese, English, German and Spanish.

KIEF is located in the Naga-machi Kenshukan, and on every Saturday in the same building, there is "Naga-machi Saturday Cinema", which movies are shown from 2pm to 4pm. There is no admission charge.

* Komatsu International Exchange Association

(923) 58-2 Komatsu-shi Yaichi-machi
Founded in November 1993, this organisation offers Japanese language instruction to foreigners at minimal cost, as well as sponsoring a variety of international exchange events throughout the year. Open 11-7pm, closed Wednesdays.

* Terai Town Board of Trade Youth Division International Exchange Committee

(923-11)Nomi-gun Terai-machi Terai Yo-47
tel(0761)57-3511; fax(0762)57-3510
The Youth Division of Terai Town Board of Education is promoting international exchange for the next generation, and every July it conducts a summer camp for foreigners and local elementary students. The group is also concerned with some foreigners who are having troubles due to the high yen, and as result, donated household items to them for free.

* Morning Glory

(920)Matto-shi Yoko-machi 96-1
This group is led by Ms. Tomoko Matsumura. It meets every Saturday for a study group session, and helps out foreign residents by lending donated household items to them, and conducting bazaars and other activities. Also, it holds Japanese study groups for foreigners living in Matto.

***** Japanese Language Classes in Ishikawa Prefecture *****

* International Cultural Exchange Center - Japanese Classes

(4th floor, Ishikawa Social Education Center)
(920)Kanazawa-shi Honda-machi 3-2-15
tel (0762)23-9583
Registrations can be made at the International Cultural Exchange Center Office.

* Ishikawa Womenユs Society for International Exchange

(Inter-national Exchange Lounge) - Japanese Classes
(920)Kanazawa-shi Hirosaka chi 1-1
tel (0762)21-9901

* Kanazawa Nihongo School (KNS)

(920) Kanazawa-shi No-machi 3-16-7
The school offers homestays to students while they study Japanese. Conducts individual lessons. Lessons cost \2,200.

* K43 Nihongo Club

920-21 Ishikawa-gun, Tsurugi-machi, Bunyudo-machi Mu 57-4
Tel /Fax : (07619) 3-2306
Japanese language instruction offered in your own home. Personal tuition at \2,200 per hour. Group and business tuition also available.

* The Society to Introduce Nanao to the World

(926) Nanao-shi Madashi-machi Na-41
tel (0767)52-3699; fax (0767)52-0262

* Hakui Association for Promoting Peopleユs International Exchange

(925) Hakui-shi Shinbo-machi Ya-20
tel (0767)22-3531
A volunteer organisation of internationally minded Hakui residents. A variety of unique events ( eg Tanabata Festival ) throughout the year.

* Eurocentre Kanazawa

(920) 3 Kanazawa-shi Dewa-machi
tel (0762)60-1543, 60-1544; fax (0762)60-1535
A nonprofit language institution with headquarters in Switzerland. Languages are taught at schools located in countries which they are spoken in. In 1988, a Japanese language school named Eurocentre Kanazawa opened in Kanazawa. The students are put up in homestays and are taught Japanese and Japanese culture systematically using instructors from Japanese classes at the Ishikawa Social Education Center.

石川県内国際交流団体と日本語教室紹介  日本では3月、4月が転勤の季節ですが、外国では夏の場合も多く、今月初めて石川県に来られた外国人も多い ことと思います。石川県には国際交流を深めている団体、日本語教室がある ので、いくつかをご紹介します。(50音順)」

 ------- 石川県内の国際交流団体-------


(920) 金沢市下本多町5-25 
Tel (0762)62-5931, Fax (0762)63-5931
 石川県の国際交流推進の中核的組織。海外技術研修員の受け入れ、日本人向けの国際理解を深める講座の開催、英語版・中国語版・韓国語版の石川県生活地図や医療ガイドブック作成など、外国人、日本人双方の手助けをし、県民と外国人との交流を図っている。ここには日本の生活・文化などを紹介する英 語、その他の外国語の図書がたくさんあり、借りて読むことができる。また英語、フランス語、中国語、ロシア語の翻訳と、通訳派遣サービスを行なっている。

 外国人を中心に、最近様々な法律上の問題も増えているが、同協会では毎月第4土曜日、無料の外国人のための法律相談の日を設けている。この日は英語 、フランス語、中国語の通訳が待機している。


(920) 金沢市本多町3丁目2-15
Tel (0762)23-9575, Fax (0762)23-9585


(920) 金沢市安江町1-1 Tel (0762)23-7421


 (920) 金沢市広坂町1-1
 Tel (0762)21-9901
 「国際交流ラウンジ」としてよく知られている。県内の外国人に幅広く対応。ボランティアによる日本語や日本文化の講座を多方面に渡り開講。日本の伝統芸術、行事などを通して外国人に石川県を紹介する。その他ひなまつり、クリスマス、青空リサイクルマーケットへの参加など、国際色豊かに多彩な行事 が行なわれている。


 (920) 金沢駅百番街北ウイング内
 Tel (0762)31-6311


(920) 金沢市長町2丁目2-43
Tel (0762)20-2522、Fax (0762)20-2527
 金沢を中心とした地域の国際交流に関する情報サービス、留学生支援を中心 に活動。外国人観光客に対する英語ボランティアガイドの委託、日本人向けの 外国語講座の開講、時にはごく短期のホームステイなどを行なっている。英 語、中国語、スペイン語、ドイツ語の通訳派遣サービスがある。



(920) 小松市八日市町 58-2
Tel (0761)21-2226



 (923-11) 能美郡寺井町寺井ヨ47
 Tel (0761)57-3511、Fax (0761)57-3510
 寺井町商工会青年部では毎年7月、小学生と外国人の交流キャンプを行なうなど、次代を担う子供達も含めた国際交流を目指している。同会では、外国人 が最近の円高で困っているのを知り、会員に募って不用の生活物資を無料で提供する等の活動を続けている。


 (920) 松任市横町96-1 
 Tel (0762)75-5096

 ------- 石川県内の日本語教室-------


 (920) 金沢市本多町3丁目2-15  Tel (0762)23-9583


(920) 金沢市広坂町1-1
Tel (0762)21-9901


(920) 金沢市野町3丁目16-7
Tel (0762) 43-0339
 ホームステイで日本語を学ぶシステムをとる。個人指導で1時間 2,200 円。 

◆K43 NIHONGO CLUB (日本語倶楽部)

(920-21) 石川郡鶴来町部入道町(Bunyudo-machi) Mu 57-4
Tel ・Fax (07619)3-2306
 自宅で日本語を勉強したい人に教える日本語教室。個人指導で、1時間 2,200 円。グループ授業、企業派遣も行う。 


Tel (0767) 52-3699, Fax (0767) 52-0262

◆羽咋市国際交流協会 (HAPPIE)

Tel (0767) 22-3531


 (920) 金沢市出羽町 3
 Tel (0762) 60-1543, 1544, Fax (0762) 60-1535
 スイスに本部がある非営利団体の語学学校。世界各地にそれぞれの国の言葉 を学ぶ学校を持つ。日本では、1988年、金沢に日本語学校、ユーロセンター・金沢を開 設。ホームステイをしながら、体系的に日本語及び日本の文化を学ぶシステムを持 つ。講師陣は石川県立社会教育センター日本語教室の講師。 < CONTENTS >
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