IFIE SQUARE     あいふぃすくえあ

☆ Free Consultation Sessions for Foreign Residents

Having problems with the Japanese legal system? Don't know where to find agencies and services which could help you? IFIE, with the cooperation of the Kanazawa Bar Association and other international exchange organizations, is offering a series of free consultation sessions for foreign residents. English, French, and Chinese interpreters will be in attendance.

The sessions are held at the IFIE office on the afternoon of the fourth Sunday of every month, except statutory holidays. This month's session will be

Date: Saturday, February 24
Time: 13:00-16:00
Place: IFIE Office (Kanazawa, Shimo Honda-machi 5-25)
Inquiries: TEL (0762) 62-5931

☆ 外国人のための相談コーナー

 県内(財在住外国人の方で生活上の困りごと、悩みごとをお持ちの方、弁護 士や国際交流団体のスタッフが相談にあたります。相談は無料。英語、フラン ス語、中国語で通訳をします。石川県国際交流協会では祝日を除く毎月第4土 曜日にこのコーナーを行っており、今月は下記の予定です。
日時: 2月24日 13:00-16:00
場所: 石川県国際交流協会(金沢市下本多町5ー25)
問い合わせ:TEL (0762) 62-5931
FAX (0762) 63-5931

IFIE SQUARE is Provided by the Ishikawa Foundation of International exchange
5-25 Shimo-Honda-machi Kanazawa-shi (920)
Tel (0762)62-5931; Fax (0762)63-5931


Copyright (C) 1996 COSMOS