Museums in Komatsu and Kaga Area

This month we would like to introduce some new museums in the Kaga region. The aviation museum "Aeronautical Plaza" will be opening its doors fro the first itme on November 17th.

★Motor car museum in Japan
日本自動車博物館 TEL: (0761) 43-4343

923-03 Ishikawa-ken, Komatsu-shi, Futatsunashi-machi Ikkanayama 40
(923-03) 石川県小松市二ッ梨町一貫山40番地

The Motor Car Museum in Japan is situated close to theKaga hot spring region.
It displays in all thier original glory a total of around five hundred motorcyles, automobiles and trucks, dating from the dawn of motoring to the post-war era. Some of the exhibits can still be driven.
The exhibits, a mixture of legendary cars and much-loved Japanese and western mass-production models, are displayed on a total of five floors. In the motorcycle section, one can see the history of motorcycling unfold before his or her very eyes, from the early days when an engine was simply attached to a bicycle to the poular models of latteryear. Even if you are not an auto freak, it is a place well worth visiting.
The Motor Car Museum in Japan was located in Oyabe city but moved to Komatsu last year.

Entrance charges: Junior High and above 1000yen Elementary and below 500yen
Opening times :9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Closing days:New year holiday period


入館料:中学生以上 1,000 yen、小学生以下 500 yen
会館時間:9:00am - 5:00pm
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★Nakaya Ukichiro Museum of Snow and Ice

中谷宇吉郎「雪の科学館」 TEL: (07617) 5-8088
Ishikawa-Ken, Kaga-shi, Shiozu-mcahi, I-106

In a world entranced by the beauty of snow, Nakaya Ukichiro was the first perosn artifically to produce snow crystals, as a result of which he attained world fame as a snow scientist. Not only did he pioneer new scientific research in the field of snow and ice, he also wrote a beautiful essay on the subject of snow entitled "Snow Is a Letter Sent from Heaven."
He is also known as a poineer of the scientific film, many of his own works having been filmed.
This Snow and Ice museum has been constructed in Nakaya Ukichiro's hometown, Katayamazu in Kaga city.
Entrance charges : Adults 500yen, Schoolchildren 160yen
Opening times : 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Closing days : Wednesdays, New year holiday period
N.B. A twenty-five-minute scientific film etitled "The Scientific Spirit--the World of Nakaya Ukichikro" is shown every day at the following times: 9.30, 10.30, 11:30, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00.

中谷宇吉郎氏は雪の美しさに魅せられ、世界で初めて人工的に雪の結晶をつくり出したことで雪の科学者として世界的に有名になった。氏はまた雪や氷に関する科学の分野を次々に開拓したが、科学者として活躍しただけではなく、雪に関する美しい文章を表した。「雪は天から送られた手紙である」という言葉は有名である。映画になった作品も多く、科学映画の草分けとしても知られている。中谷宇吉郎氏が加賀市片山津の出身であることから、この「雪の科学館」が建設された。館内では科学映画「科学する心 - 中谷宇吉郎の世界(25 min.)」を毎日上映している。上映時間は以下の通り。

9:30 10:30 11:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
入館料:一般 500 yen、小・中・高校生 160 yen
会館時間:9:00am - 5:00pm

★Ishikawa Prefectureal Aeronautical Plaza

石川県立「航空プラザ」 Tel: (0761)23-4811
923 Ishikawa-ken, Komatsu-shi, Ataka-shin-machi, Hei-92 (in front of Komatsu airport)

This aviation museum in Komatsu will open its doors on November 17th.
Items displayed will include the history of airplanes, the principles and different types of flight, a selection of real aircraft and flight simulation equipment. Interactive display units have been used to make for easy explanation.
In addition there is also a multi-puropse exhibition space, as well as study rooms for explanation to visitors or lectures and practicals for plane enthusiasts.
Entrance charges : FREE
Opening times : 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m.
Closing days : Mondays (Tuesdays if public holiday falls on a Monday) New year holiday period

会館時間:9:00am - 5:00pm
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