YES proof of Transformed_CSR_04_Ex5_Zan97_C.trs # AProVE Commit ID: c69e44bd14796315568835c1ffa2502984884775 jera 20211004 unpublished Termination w.r.t. Q of the given QTRS could be proven: (0) QTRS (1) QTRSToCSRProof [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (2) CSR (3) CSRRRRProof [EQUIVALENT, 42 ms] (4) CSR (5) CSRRRRProof [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (6) CSR (7) RisEmptyProof [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (8) YES ---------------------------------------- (0) Obligation: Q restricted rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: active(f(X)) -> mark(if(X, c, f(true))) active(if(true, X, Y)) -> mark(X) active(if(false, X, Y)) -> mark(Y) active(f(X)) -> f(active(X)) active(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(active(X1), X2, X3) active(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(X1, active(X2), X3) f(mark(X)) -> mark(f(X)) if(mark(X1), X2, X3) -> mark(if(X1, X2, X3)) if(X1, mark(X2), X3) -> mark(if(X1, X2, X3)) proper(f(X)) -> f(proper(X)) proper(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(proper(X1), proper(X2), proper(X3)) proper(c) -> ok(c) proper(true) -> ok(true) proper(false) -> ok(false) f(ok(X)) -> ok(f(X)) if(ok(X1), ok(X2), ok(X3)) -> ok(if(X1, X2, X3)) top(mark(X)) -> top(proper(X)) top(ok(X)) -> top(active(X)) Q is empty. ---------------------------------------- (1) QTRSToCSRProof (EQUIVALENT) The following Q TRS is given: Q restricted rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: active(f(X)) -> mark(if(X, c, f(true))) active(if(true, X, Y)) -> mark(X) active(if(false, X, Y)) -> mark(Y) active(f(X)) -> f(active(X)) active(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(active(X1), X2, X3) active(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(X1, active(X2), X3) f(mark(X)) -> mark(f(X)) if(mark(X1), X2, X3) -> mark(if(X1, X2, X3)) if(X1, mark(X2), X3) -> mark(if(X1, X2, X3)) proper(f(X)) -> f(proper(X)) proper(if(X1, X2, X3)) -> if(proper(X1), proper(X2), proper(X3)) proper(c) -> ok(c) proper(true) -> ok(true) proper(false) -> ok(false) f(ok(X)) -> ok(f(X)) if(ok(X1), ok(X2), ok(X3)) -> ok(if(X1, X2, X3)) top(mark(X)) -> top(proper(X)) top(ok(X)) -> top(active(X)) Q is empty. Special symbols used for the transformation (see [GM04]): top: top_1, active: active_1, mark: mark_1, ok: ok_1, proper: proper_1 The replacement map contains the following entries: f: {1} if: {1, 2} c: empty set true: empty set false: empty set The QTRS contained all rules created by the complete Giesl-Middeldorp transformation. Therefore, the inverse transformation is complete (and sound). ---------------------------------------- (2) Obligation: Context-sensitive rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: f(X) -> if(X, c, f(true)) if(true, X, Y) -> X if(false, X, Y) -> Y The replacement map contains the following entries: f: {1} if: {1, 2} c: empty set true: empty set false: empty set ---------------------------------------- (3) CSRRRRProof (EQUIVALENT) The following CSR is given: Context-sensitive rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: f(X) -> if(X, c, f(true)) if(true, X, Y) -> X if(false, X, Y) -> Y The replacement map contains the following entries: f: {1} if: {1, 2} c: empty set true: empty set false: empty set Used ordering: Polynomial interpretation [POLO]: POL(c) = 0 POL(f(x_1)) = 2*x_1 POL(false) = 1 POL(if(x_1, x_2, x_3)) = x_1 + 2*x_2 + 2*x_3 POL(true) = 0 With this ordering the following rules can be removed by the rule removal processor [LPAR04] because they are oriented strictly: if(false, X, Y) -> Y ---------------------------------------- (4) Obligation: Context-sensitive rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: f(X) -> if(X, c, f(true)) if(true, X, Y) -> X The replacement map contains the following entries: f: {1} if: {1, 2} c: empty set true: empty set ---------------------------------------- (5) CSRRRRProof (EQUIVALENT) The following CSR is given: Context-sensitive rewrite system: The TRS R consists of the following rules: f(X) -> if(X, c, f(true)) if(true, X, Y) -> X The replacement map contains the following entries: f: {1} if: {1, 2} c: empty set true: empty set Used ordering: Polynomial interpretation [POLO]: POL(c) = 0 POL(f(x_1)) = 1 + x_1 POL(if(x_1, x_2, x_3)) = x_1 + x_2 POL(true) = 1 With this ordering the following rules can be removed by the rule removal processor [LPAR04] because they are oriented strictly: f(X) -> if(X, c, f(true)) if(true, X, Y) -> X ---------------------------------------- (6) Obligation: Context-sensitive rewrite system: R is empty. ---------------------------------------- (7) RisEmptyProof (EQUIVALENT) The CSR R is empty. Hence, termination is trivially proven. ---------------------------------------- (8) YES