Input TRS: 1: 0(\#()) -> \#() 2: +(x,\#()) -> x 3: +(\#(),x) -> x 4: +(0(x),0(y)) -> 0(+(x,y)) 5: +(0(x),1(y)) -> 1(+(x,y)) 6: +(1(x),0(y)) -> 1(+(x,y)) 7: +(1(x),1(y)) -> 0(+(+(x,y),1(\#()))) 8: +(x,+(y,z)) -> +(+(x,y),z) 9: -(x,\#()) -> x 10: -(\#(),x) -> \#() 11: -(0(x),0(y)) -> 0(-(x,y)) 12: -(0(x),1(y)) -> 1(-(-(x,y),1(\#()))) 13: -(1(x),0(y)) -> 1(-(x,y)) 14: -(1(x),1(y)) -> 0(-(x,y)) 15: not(false()) -> true() 16: not(true()) -> false() 17: and(x,true()) -> x 18: and(x,false()) -> false() 19: if(true(),x,y) -> x 20: if(false(),x,y) -> y 21: ge(0(x),0(y)) -> ge(x,y) 22: ge(0(x),1(y)) -> not(ge(y,x)) 23: ge(1(x),0(y)) -> ge(x,y) 24: ge(1(x),1(y)) -> ge(x,y) 25: ge(x,\#()) -> true() 26: ge(\#(),1(x)) -> false() 27: ge(\#(),0(x)) -> ge(\#(),x) 28: val(l(x)) -> x 29: val(n(x,y,z)) -> x 30: min(l(x)) -> x 31: min(n(x,y,z)) -> min(y) 32: max(l(x)) -> x 33: max(n(x,y,z)) -> max(z) 34: bs(l(x)) -> true() 35: bs(n(x,y,z)) -> and(and(ge(x,max(y)),ge(min(z),x)),and(bs(y),bs(z))) 36: size(l(x)) -> 1(\#()) 37: size(n(x,y,z)) -> +(+(size(x),size(y)),1(\#())) 38: wb(l(x)) -> true() 39: wb(n(x,y,z)) -> and(if(ge(size(y),size(z)),ge(1(\#()),-(size(y),size(z))),ge(1(\#()),-(size(z),size(y)))),and(wb(y),wb(z))) Number of strict rules: 39 Direct Order(PosReal,>,Poly) ... failed. Freezing ... failed. Dependency Pairs: #1: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #and(and(ge(x,max(y)),ge(min(z),x)),and(bs(y),bs(z))) #2: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #and(ge(x,max(y)),ge(min(z),x)) #3: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #ge(x,max(y)) #4: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #max(y) #5: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #ge(min(z),x) #6: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #min(z) #7: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #and(bs(y),bs(z)) #8: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #bs(y) #9: #bs(n(x,y,z)) -> #bs(z) #10: #size(n(x,y,z)) -> #+(+(size(x),size(y)),1(\#())) #11: #size(n(x,y,z)) -> #+(size(x),size(y)) #12: #size(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(x) #13: #size(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(y) #14: #+(1(x),0(y)) -> #+(x,y) #15: #-(1(x),0(y)) -> #-(x,y) #16: #-(0(x),0(y)) -> #0(-(x,y)) #17: #-(0(x),0(y)) -> #-(x,y) #18: #ge(1(x),1(y)) -> #ge(x,y) #19: #ge(1(x),0(y)) -> #ge(x,y) #20: #-(0(x),1(y)) -> #-(-(x,y),1(\#())) #21: #-(0(x),1(y)) -> #-(x,y) #22: #min(n(x,y,z)) -> #min(y) #23: #-(1(x),1(y)) -> #0(-(x,y)) #24: #-(1(x),1(y)) -> #-(x,y) #25: #+(1(x),1(y)) -> #0(+(+(x,y),1(\#()))) #26: #+(1(x),1(y)) -> #+(+(x,y),1(\#())) #27: #+(1(x),1(y)) -> #+(x,y) #28: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #and(if(ge(size(y),size(z)),ge(1(\#()),-(size(y),size(z))),ge(1(\#()),-(size(z),size(y)))),and(wb(y),wb(z))) #29: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #if(ge(size(y),size(z)),ge(1(\#()),-(size(y),size(z))),ge(1(\#()),-(size(z),size(y)))) #30: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #ge(size(y),size(z)) #31: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(y) #32: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(z) #33: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #ge(1(\#()),-(size(y),size(z))) #34: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #-(size(y),size(z)) #35: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(y) #36: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(z) #37: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #ge(1(\#()),-(size(z),size(y))) #38: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #-(size(z),size(y)) #39: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(z) #40: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #size(y) #41: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #and(wb(y),wb(z)) #42: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #wb(y) #43: #wb(n(x,y,z)) -> #wb(z) #44: #max(n(x,y,z)) -> #max(z) #45: #+(0(x),1(y)) -> #+(x,y) #46: #ge(0(x),1(y)) -> #not(ge(y,x)) #47: #ge(0(x),1(y)) -> #ge(y,x) #48: #ge(\#(),0(x)) -> #ge(\#(),x) #49: #ge(0(x),0(y)) -> #ge(x,y) #50: #+(x,+(y,z)) -> #+(+(x,y),z) #51: #+(x,+(y,z)) -> #+(x,y) #52: #+(0(x),0(y)) -> #0(+(x,y)) #53: #+(0(x),0(y)) -> #+(x,y) Number of SCCs: 9, DPs: 25, edges: 99 SCC { #48 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: x2 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #48 Number of SCCs: 8, DPs: 24, edges: 98 SCC { #44 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) + x3 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: x1 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #44 Number of SCCs: 7, DPs: 23, edges: 97 SCC { #22 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) + x2 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: x1 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #22 Number of SCCs: 6, DPs: 22, edges: 96 SCC { #12 #13 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 + x2 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: x1 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #12 #13 Number of SCCs: 5, DPs: 20, edges: 92 SCC { #42 #43 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) + x2 + x3 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: x1 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #42 #43 Number of SCCs: 4, DPs: 18, edges: 88 SCC { #8 #9 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: 0 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) + x2 + x3 and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: x1 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #8 #9 Number of SCCs: 3, DPs: 16, edges: 84 SCC { #18 #19 #47 #49 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: (/ 1 4) + x1 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 4) and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: x1 + x2 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 4) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: 0 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: 0 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #18 #19 #47 #49 Number of SCCs: 2, DPs: 12, edges: 68 SCC { #15 #17 #20 #21 #24 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: (/ 1 2) bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: x2 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { } Removed DPs: #15 #17 #21 #24 Number of SCCs: 2, DPs: 8, edges: 46 SCC { #20 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: x1 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: x1 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: 0 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: 0 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { 1 9..14 } Removed DPs: #20 Number of SCCs: 1, DPs: 7, edges: 45 SCC { #14 #26 #27 #45 #50 #51 #53 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: x1 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: x1 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 + x2 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: x2 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { 1 } Removed DPs: #14 #27 #45 #50 #51 #53 Number of SCCs: 2, DPs: 1, edges: 1 SCC { #26 } Removing DPs: Order(PosReal,>,Sum)... succeeded. val(x1) weight: 0 #0(x1) weight: 0 1(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 n(x1,x2,x3) weight: (/ 1 2) and(x1,x2) weight: 0 false() weight: 0 #min(x1) weight: 0 l(x1) weight: 0 #ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 \#() weight: 0 wb(x1) weight: 0 true() weight: 0 #not(x1) weight: 0 #size(x1) weight: 0 0(x1) weight: (/ 1 2) + x1 if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 ge(x1,x2) weight: 0 max(x1) weight: 0 #max(x1) weight: 0 -(x1,x2) weight: x1 bs(x1) weight: 0 #bs(x1) weight: 0 min(x1) weight: 0 #val(x1) weight: 0 #-(x1,x2) weight: x1 #if(x1,x2,x3) weight: 0 +(x1,x2) weight: x1 + x2 #wb(x1) weight: 0 #+(x1,x2) weight: x1 + x2 #and(x1,x2) weight: 0 not(x1) weight: 0 size(x1) weight: 0 Usable rules: { 1..8 } Removed DPs: #26 Number of SCCs: 1, DPs: 0, edges: 0 YES