(ignored inputs)COMMENT submitted by: Johannes Waldmann Rewrite Rules: [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)), a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] Apply Direct Methods... Inner CPs: [ a(c(c(?x_2))) = b(b(c(?x_2))), a(c(a(?x_3))) = b(b(b(?x_3))), a(a(c(?x_5))) = b(b(a(?x_5))), a(a(a(?x_4))) = c(c(c(?x_4))), a(a(a(?x))) = c(a(b(?x))), a(b(b(?x_1))) = a(c(a(?x_1))), a(c(c(?x_2))) = a(c(c(?x_2))), a(c(a(?x_3))) = a(c(b(?x_3))), b(a(a(?x))) = a(a(b(?x))), a(b(b(?x))) = b(b(a(?x))), c(a(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))), a(a(c(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))) ] Outer CPs: [ b(b(?x_1)) = a(c(?x_1)) ] not Overlay, check Termination... unknown/not Terminating unknown Knuth & Bendix Linear unknown Development Closed unknown Strongly Closed unknown Weakly-Non-Overlapping & Non-Collapsing & Shallow unknown Upside-Parallel-Closed/Outside-Closed (inner) Parallel CPs: (not computed) unknown Toyama (Parallel CPs) Simultaneous CPs: [ b(a(a(?x_1))) = a(a(b(?x_1))), a(a(a(a(?x_1)))) = b(a(a(b(?x_1)))), c(a(a(a(?x_1)))) = a(a(a(b(?x_1)))), a(a(b(?x))) = b(a(a(?x))), c(a(b(?x))) = a(a(a(?x))), a(c(?x)) = b(b(?x)), a(b(b(?x_1))) = b(b(a(?x_1))), a(c(c(?x_3))) = b(b(c(?x_3))), a(c(a(?x_4))) = b(b(b(?x_4))), a(a(c(?x_6))) = b(b(a(?x_6))), b(b(b(b(?x_1)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_1)))), b(b(c(c(?x_3)))) = a(b(b(c(?x_3)))), b(b(c(a(?x_4)))) = a(b(b(b(?x_4)))), b(b(a(c(?x_6)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_6)))), a(c(b(b(?x_1)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_1)))), a(c(c(c(?x_3)))) = a(b(b(c(?x_3)))), a(c(c(a(?x_4)))) = a(b(b(b(?x_4)))), a(c(a(c(?x_6)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_6)))), b(b(a(?x))) = a(b(b(?x))), a(c(a(?x))) = a(b(b(?x))), a(a(a(?x_5))) = c(c(c(?x_5))), b(b(a(a(?x_5)))) = a(c(c(c(?x_5)))), a(c(a(a(?x_5)))) = a(c(c(c(?x_5)))), b(b(c(?x))) = a(c(c(?x))), a(c(c(?x))) = a(c(c(?x))), a(a(a(?x_2))) = c(a(b(?x_2))), b(b(a(a(?x_2)))) = a(c(a(b(?x_2)))), a(c(a(a(?x_2)))) = a(c(a(b(?x_2)))), b(b(b(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))), a(c(b(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))), c(a(a(?x_1))) = a(a(c(?x_1))), a(a(a(a(?x_1)))) = c(a(a(c(?x_1)))), c(c(a(a(?x_1)))) = a(a(a(c(?x_1)))), a(a(c(?x))) = c(a(a(?x))), c(c(c(?x))) = a(a(a(?x))), b(b(?x)) = a(c(?x)), a(a(c(?x_1))) = a(c(a(?x_1))), a(b(b(?x_3))) = a(c(a(?x_3))), a(c(a(?x_5))) = a(c(b(?x_5))), a(c(a(c(?x_1)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_1)))), a(c(b(b(?x_3)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_3)))), a(c(c(c(?x_4)))) = a(a(c(c(?x_4)))), a(c(c(a(?x_5)))) = a(a(c(b(?x_5)))), b(b(a(c(?x_1)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_1)))), b(b(b(b(?x_3)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_3)))), b(b(c(c(?x_4)))) = a(a(c(c(?x_4)))), b(b(c(a(?x_5)))) = a(a(c(b(?x_5)))), a(c(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))), b(b(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))) ] unknown Okui (Simultaneous CPs) unknown Strongly Depth-Preserving & Root-E-Closed/Non-E-Overlapping unknown Strongly Weight-Preserving & Root-E-Closed/Non-E-Overlapping check Locally Decreasing Diagrams by Rule Labelling... Critical Pair by Rules <2, 1> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],4),([(a,1)],5)], [([],0)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],2),([],4)], [([],0)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],0),([(a,1)],2)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],0),([],5)]> Critical Pair by Rules <3, 1> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],0),([(a,1)],3)]> Critical Pair by Rules <5, 1> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],2),([(a,1)],4)], [([],0)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],5),([(a,1)],4)], [([],0)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],0),([(a,1)],5)]> Critical Pair by Rules <4, 2> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],5)], [([],4)]> Critical Pair by Rules <0, 3> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],1),([],3)], []> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],5),([],2)], [([(c,1)],3)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([(c,1)],3),([],4)]> Critical Pair by Rules <1, 5> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],0),([],5)], []> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],3),([(c,1)],3)], [([],2)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],0)], [([],2),([],4)]> Critical Pair by Rules <2, 5> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[], []> Critical Pair by Rules <3, 5> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],2),([],4),([(a,1)],3)]> Critical Pair by Rules <0, 0> preceded by [(b,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(b,1)],1)], [([],1)]> Critical Pair by Rules <1, 1> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],0)], [([],0)]> Critical Pair by Rules <4, 4> preceded by [(c,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(c,1)],5),([(c,1)],2)], [([(a,1)],2),([],2)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(c,1)],5),([(c,1)],2)], [([],5),([],2)]> Critical Pair by Rules <5, 5> preceded by [(a,1)] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([(a,1)],2),([(a,1)],4)], [([],2),([],4)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],5),([(a,1)],4)], [([],2),([],4)]> Critical Pair by Rules <5, 1> preceded by [] joinable by a reduction of rules <[([],2),([],4)], [([],0)]> joinable by a reduction of rules <[], [([],0),([],5)]> unknown Diagram Decreasing check Non-Confluence... obtain 11 rules by 3 steps unfolding obtain 100 candidates for checking non-joinability check by TCAP-Approximation (failure) check by Ordering(rpo), check by Tree-Automata Approximation (failure) check by Interpretation(mod2) (failure) check by Descendants-Approximation, check by Ordering(poly) (failure) unknown Non-Confluence unknown Huet (modulo AC) check by Reduction-Preserving Completion... STEP: 1 (parallel) S: [ a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] P: [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)) ] S: unknown termination failure(Step 1) STEP: 2 (linear) S: [ a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] P: [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)) ] S: unknown termination failure(Step 2) STEP: 3 (relative) S: [ a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] P: [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)) ] Check relative termination: [ a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)) ] Polynomial Interpretation: a:= (1)*x1 b:= (3)+(1)*x1 c:= (1)+(1)*x1 retract a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)) retract c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)) retract b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)) Polynomial Interpretation: a:= (2)+(1)*x1*x1 b:= (2)+(1)*x1*x1 c:= (1)+(1)*x1*x1 relatively terminating S/P: relatively terminating check CP condition: failed failure(Step 3) failure(no possibility remains) unknown Reduction-Preserving Completion Direct Methods: Can't judge Try Persistent Decomposition for... [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)), a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] Sort Assignment: a : 13=>13 b : 13=>13 c : 13=>13 maximal types: {13} Persistent Decomposition failed: Can't judge Try Layer Preserving Decomposition for... [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)), a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] Layer Preserving Decomposition failed: Can't judge Try Commutative Decomposition for... [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)), a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)) ] Outside Critical Pair: by Rules <5, 1> develop reducts from lhs term... <{2}, c(c(?x_5))> <{}, a(c(?x_5))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{0}, a(a(?x_5))> <{}, b(b(?x_5))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <2, 1> develop reducts from lhs term... <{2}, c(c(c(?x_2)))> <{4}, a(a(a(?x_2)))> <{}, a(c(c(?x_2)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{0}, a(a(c(?x_2)))> <{}, b(b(c(?x_2)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <3, 1> develop reducts from lhs term... <{2}, c(c(a(?x_3)))> <{}, a(c(a(?x_3)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{0}, a(a(b(?x_3)))> <{0}, b(a(a(?x_3)))> <{}, b(b(b(?x_3)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <5, 1> develop reducts from lhs term... <{5}, a(c(c(?x_5)))> <{1}, b(b(c(?x_5)))> <{2}, a(c(c(?x_5)))> <{}, a(a(c(?x_5)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{0}, a(a(a(?x_5)))> <{}, b(b(a(?x_5)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <4, 2> develop reducts from lhs term... <{5}, a(c(a(?x_4)))> <{1}, b(b(a(?x_4)))> <{5}, a(a(c(?x_4)))> <{1}, a(b(b(?x_4)))> <{}, a(a(a(?x_4)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{4}, a(a(c(?x_4)))> <{4}, c(a(a(?x_4)))> <{}, c(c(c(?x_4)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <0, 3> develop reducts from lhs term... <{5}, a(c(a(?x)))> <{1}, b(b(a(?x)))> <{5}, a(a(c(?x)))> <{1}, a(b(b(?x)))> <{}, a(a(a(?x)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{3}, c(c(a(?x)))> <{}, c(a(b(?x)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <1, 5> develop reducts from lhs term... <{3}, c(a(b(?x_1)))> <{0}, a(a(a(?x_1)))> <{}, a(b(b(?x_1)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{2}, c(c(a(?x_1)))> <{}, a(c(a(?x_1)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <2, 5> develop reducts from lhs term... <{2}, c(c(c(?x_2)))> <{4}, a(a(a(?x_2)))> <{}, a(c(c(?x_2)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{2}, c(c(c(?x_2)))> <{4}, a(a(a(?x_2)))> <{}, a(c(c(?x_2)))> Inside Critical Pair: by Rules <3, 5> develop reducts from lhs term... <{2}, c(c(a(?x_3)))> <{}, a(c(a(?x_3)))> develop reducts from rhs term... <{2}, c(c(b(?x_3)))> <{}, a(c(b(?x_3)))> Try A Minimal Decomposition {0,5,3,1,2}{4} {0,5,3,1,2} (cm)Rewrite Rules: [ b(b(?x)) -> a(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> a(c(?x)), a(b(?x)) -> c(a(?x)), a(a(?x)) -> b(b(?x)), a(c(?x)) -> c(c(?x)) ] Apply Direct Methods... Inner CPs: [ a(c(a(?x_2))) = a(c(b(?x_2))), a(b(b(?x_3))) = a(c(a(?x_3))), a(c(c(?x_4))) = a(c(c(?x_4))), a(a(a(?x))) = c(a(b(?x))), a(a(c(?x_1))) = b(b(a(?x_1))), a(c(a(?x_2))) = b(b(b(?x_2))), a(c(c(?x_4))) = b(b(c(?x_4))), b(a(a(?x))) = a(a(b(?x))), a(a(c(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))), a(b(b(?x))) = b(b(a(?x))) ] Outer CPs: [ a(c(?x_1)) = b(b(?x_1)) ] not Overlay, check Termination... unknown/not Terminating unknown Knuth & Bendix Linear unknown Development Closed unknown Strongly Closed unknown Weakly-Non-Overlapping & Non-Collapsing & Shallow unknown Upside-Parallel-Closed/Outside-Closed (inner) Parallel CPs: (not computed) unknown Toyama (Parallel CPs) Simultaneous CPs: [ b(a(a(?x_1))) = a(a(b(?x_1))), a(a(a(a(?x_1)))) = b(a(a(b(?x_1)))), c(a(a(a(?x_1)))) = a(a(a(b(?x_1)))), a(a(b(?x))) = b(a(a(?x))), c(a(b(?x))) = a(a(a(?x))), b(b(?x)) = a(c(?x)), a(a(c(?x_1))) = a(c(a(?x_1))), a(c(a(?x_3))) = a(c(b(?x_3))), a(b(b(?x_4))) = a(c(a(?x_4))), a(c(c(?x_5))) = a(c(c(?x_5))), a(c(a(c(?x_1)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_1)))), a(c(c(a(?x_3)))) = a(a(c(b(?x_3)))), a(c(b(b(?x_4)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_4)))), a(c(c(c(?x_5)))) = a(a(c(c(?x_5)))), b(b(a(c(?x_1)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_1)))), b(b(c(a(?x_3)))) = a(a(c(b(?x_3)))), b(b(b(b(?x_4)))) = a(a(c(a(?x_4)))), b(b(c(c(?x_5)))) = a(a(c(c(?x_5)))), a(c(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))), b(b(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))), a(a(a(?x_2))) = c(a(b(?x_2))), a(c(a(a(?x_2)))) = a(c(a(b(?x_2)))), b(b(a(a(?x_2)))) = a(c(a(b(?x_2)))), a(c(b(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))), b(b(b(?x))) = a(c(a(?x))), a(c(?x)) = b(b(?x)), a(b(b(?x_1))) = b(b(a(?x_1))), a(a(c(?x_3))) = b(b(a(?x_3))), a(c(a(?x_4))) = b(b(b(?x_4))), a(c(c(?x_5))) = b(b(c(?x_5))), b(b(b(b(?x_1)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_1)))), b(b(a(c(?x_3)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_3)))), b(b(c(a(?x_4)))) = a(b(b(b(?x_4)))), b(b(c(c(?x_5)))) = a(b(b(c(?x_5)))), a(c(b(b(?x_1)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_1)))), a(c(a(c(?x_3)))) = a(b(b(a(?x_3)))), a(c(c(a(?x_4)))) = a(b(b(b(?x_4)))), a(c(c(c(?x_5)))) = a(b(b(c(?x_5)))), b(b(a(?x))) = a(b(b(?x))), a(c(a(?x))) = a(b(b(?x))), b(b(c(?x))) = a(c(c(?x))) ] unknown Okui (Simultaneous CPs) unknown Strongly Depth-Preserving & Root-E-Closed/Non-E-Overlapping unknown Strongly Weight-Preserving & Root-E-Closed/Non-E-Overlapping check Locally Decreasing Diagrams by Rule Labelling... Critical Pair by Rules <2, 1> preceded by [(a,1)] unknown Diagram Decreasing check Non-Confluence... obtain 10 rules by 3 steps unfolding obtain 100 candidates for checking non-joinability check by TCAP-Approximation (failure) check by Ordering(rpo), check by Tree-Automata Approximation (failure) check by Interpretation(mod2) (failure) check by Descendants-Approximation, check by Ordering(poly)Witness for Non-Confluence: a(a(c(c_1)))> Direct Methods: not CR {4} (cm)Rewrite Rules: [ c(c(?x)) -> a(a(?x)) ] Apply Direct Methods... Inner CPs: [ c(a(a(?x))) = a(a(c(?x))) ] Outer CPs: [ ] not Overlay, check Termination... Terminating, not WCR Knuth & Bendix Direct Methods: not CR Commutative Decomposition failed: Can't judge No further decomposition possible Combined result: Can't judge 990.trs: Failure(unknown CR) MAYBE (7880 msec.)