平成29年度1-1期・I216 計算量の理論と離散数学(I216: Computational Complexity and Discrete Mathematics)

This is a support page of I216: Computational Complexity and Discrete Mathematics (I216 計算量の理論と離散数学) at JAIST, Ishikawa from April 12 to June 2. The lecturers in the former half is by Ryuhei Uehara, and the ones in the latter half is by Prof. Eiichiro Fujisaki. This page is maintained by Ryuhei Uehara, and it contains information of the former half.


予定と授業で使用したPowerPointのPDFファイル(Schedule and PDF files used in the lectures)
その他のPDFファイル(PDF files of the others)
Schedules for Office Hours (オフィスアワーの予定)

Last modified: Tue Oct 26 13:24:08 JST 2010
by R.Uehara (uehara@jaist.ac.jp)
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