*New Journal Office [#sf6e784f]
~Since the beginning of 2013, the office of the International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation has been located at ''Kobe University, Japan''. 
~From July 2015, the office will be officially transferred to the ''Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology'' (JAIST).
~Together with the office relocation, a ''new Journal Administrator'' has joined the IJDCI team (see picture below).
#ref(IJDCI Team 640.jpg)
Front, from left to right: Professor Toshiharu Taura (Editor in Chief), and Professor Yukari Nagai (Editor In Chief)
Front, from left to right: Professor Toshiharu Taura (Editor In Chief), and Professor Yukari Nagai (Editor In Chief)
Back, from left to right: Dr. Georgi Georgiev (Journal Administrator), and Dr. Jader Zelaya (new Journal Administrator)