Yamada Symposium 2017 on "Neuroimaging of Natural Behaviors"

About Images

Neuroimaging has revolutionized our understanding of the functions and structures of the living human brain furthering our knowledge beyond the confines of clinical observations and animal experiments. Neuroscience has since expanded its territories into high-level cognitive functions specific to humankind such as memory, language, and executive functions. Until recently, however, human neuroimaging has been restricted to a laboratory setting where stimuli are artificially simplistic and body movements are strictly controlled, so our understanding of brain functions in natural environments is limited. Human intelligence and creativity are best understood in natural environments where humans interact with natural objects and communicate with other humans to solve problems in need.

The Yamada Symposium focuses on innovative fields of neuroimaging dedicated to understanding brain mechanisms of natural behaviors. Recent developments in measurement hardware, signal processing, and experimental designs have opened new opportunities to investigate the human brain in action. The Symposium also covers novel research areas that are awaiting for new possibilities for human neuroimaging. We hope the Symposium will provide a stimulating and synergistic opportunity for forthcoming innovations!

Topics to be covered:

  • - Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI)
  • - Animal Electrophysiology
  • - Brain computer interfaces
  • - Brain stimulation
  • - Brain networks
  • - fMRI for natural movie stimuli
  • - Hardware Developments
  • - Locomotion and balance
  • - Music
  • - Neuro-rehabilitation
  • - Signal Processing
  • - Social Neuroscience
  • - Virtual/Augmented Reality


    Hirokazu Tanaka (JAIST)

    Hiroyuki Kambara (Tokyo Inst Tech)

    Makoto Miyakoshi (UC San Diego)