[JAIST] [東京社会人コース] [入学案内] [最新イベント紹介] [大学院説明会]



「21世紀の知識社会で人工知能が果たす役割」は、 人工知能と人間知能を統合的に科学する「知識科学」の重要なテーマの1つである。 今回のイノベーションデザインセミナーでは、サービスサイエンスの生みの親の一人である IBMのSpohrer氏を講師にお招きし、「オープン人工知能※で未来に備える:サービス科学からの視座」 というテーマで講演をいただくとともに、JAIST知識科学系の神田陽治氏、内平直志氏を交えて 「人工知能とサービス科学と知識科学」について議論する。

※オープン人工知能(Open Artificial Intelligence): オーブンソースの人工知能に代表される人工知能に関する オープンイノベーション


講演会終了後,JAIST東京社会人コース(技術・サービス経営分野)に関する 簡単な説明・相談会(30分程度)を開催しますので, ご興味ある方はご参加ください.


Preparing for Our Future with Open Artificial Intelligence (AI):
A Service Science Perspective

Keywords: service science, service-dominant logic, knowledge science, computer science, artificial intelligence, open source, open innovation, scientific repeatability

This talk will present a service science perspective on how best to prepare for our future with open artificial intelligence. To frame this discussion, a somewhat novel introduction to the interconnected domains of knowledge science, service-dominant logic, computer science, artificial intelligence, open innovation will be offered.

Service science aims to provide a transdisciplinary explanation of the evolving ecology of service systems entities and the value propositions that interconnect them, based on a service-dominant logic world view, in which service is the basis of all exchange and the primary motivation for interaction between entities. Service science can be thought of as the knowledge-base that allows entities to learn to play better and better win-win games over time. Service-dominant logic has defined service as the application of knowledge for the benefit of others.

From a computer science perspective, artificial intelligence capabilities of entities can be viewed as the application of knowledge to perform a task as well as or better than a person. A timeline and roadmap will be presented for solving open source artificial intelligence (i.e., performance at about human-level on first narrow and then general tasks) for most tasks in our modern economies that are based on human knowledge and technical expertise.

Much of the progress towards solving artificial intelligence is on full display on GitHub (open source code projects) and on AI and data science leaderboard challenge websites (e.g., Kaggle). Preparing for our future with open artificial intelligence will force a deeper examination of the rights and responsibilities of entities, their interactions and the outcomes of those interactions. Apps on smartphones will gain capabilities (e.g., voice interfaces, conversation interfaces, episodic memories, etc.) and transform into low-cost digital workers as Moore's Law continues. This will represent a miniaturization of the expertise economy of nations. As factories and farms also miniaturize, entities will have the opportunity to lower costs through AI-directed local material and energy flows.

Individuals empowered by eventually hundreds of low-cost digital workers, as well as miniature factories and farms will enjoy “better building blocks” than any previous generation, as well as higher GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per employee, and higher quality of life as a result. However, this is not utopia, as new challenges will emerge, requiring new forms of governance to gain the benefits and avoid the risks of these advances. Open innovation challenges offer one such positive direction for entities, individuals, businesses, universities, and governments.


Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence (AI) efforts. Previously at IBM, he led Global University Programs, co-founded Almaden Service Research, and was CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex, an Exxon company, before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technology title for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he won the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.

More information here:
Sample presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/spohrer/future-20171110-v14
Bio and CV: http://service-science.info/archives/2233

JAIST 東京社会人コースの最新イベント紹介