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  3. Message from the Director

Message from the Director

We will establish a new discipline for using the latest developments in information science to implement a trustworthy e-Society. In the coming e-Society essential aspects of social life, such as politics, economics, law, administration, medicine, and education will all be computerized as information systems. Although this development will benefit us greatly, given the deficiencies and imperfections of an e-Society system, it could also potentially be a source of danger to our lives and property. Furthermore, the difficulties inherent in changing systems could result in an inability to adapt to, and evolve with, changing social conditions, causing society to become rigid and inflexible.

To solve these problems the center will rely on the latest advances in mathematical methodology, software technology, artificial intelligence technology and other information science technologies to create a fundamental technology enabling the establishment of a trustworthy e-Society. The center will develop a methodology for modeling the e-Society system, and use logic verification technology to ensure that such a system meets the requirements of trustworthiness with regard to its correctness , accountability, security, fault- tolerance , and so forth. The center will also establish a scientific methodology for ensuring that the e-Society system can evolve and progress in accordance with social changes.

In the past, the School of Information Science at JAIST has conducted a number of excellent studies in these areas that have been highly rated internationally. In addition, the university, with its ultra-high-speed networks, and massively parallel computers, and other state-of-the-art equipment also has one of the world ' s foremost information environments. Furthermore, since its establishment, the university has consistently provided leading-edge postgraduate education. Building on these assets, JAIST is establishing this world-class COE Research and Education Center to contribute to the development of a sound e-Society.

Takuya Katayama
Professor, School of Information Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)