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- 自然言語処理のための深層学習.
Yoav Goldberg 著, 加藤恒昭, 林良彦, 鷲尾光樹, 中林 明子 訳. 共立出版. ISBN:978-4-320-12446-2. 2019.
- Natural Language Processing for Social Media, Second Edition.
Atefeh Farzindar, Diana Inkpen. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781681736129. 2017.
- コーパスと自然言語処理 (講座 日本語コーパス8).
前川喜久雄(監修), 松本裕治, 奥村学(編). 朝倉書店. ISBN:978-4-254-51608-1. 2017.
- 統計的自然言語処理の基礎.
Christopher D. Manning, Hinrich Schutze (著) 加藤恒昭, 菊井玄一郎, 林良彦, 森辰則 (訳). 共立出版. ISBN:978-4-320-12421-9. 2017.
- 深層学習による自然言語処理.
坪井祐太, 海野裕也, 鈴木潤. 講談社. ISBN:978-4-06-152924-3. 2017.
- 文脈解析 - 述語項構造・照応・談話構造の解析 -.
奥村学 (監修),笹野遼平,飯田龍(著). コロナ社. ISBN:978-4-339-02760-0. 2017.
- Automatic Text Simplification.
Horacio Saggion. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781627058681. 2017.
- Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing.
Yoav Goldberg. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1627052986. 2017.
- 自然言語処理.
黒橋禎夫. NHK出版 放送大学教育振興会. ISBN:978-4595315732. 2015.
- Automatic Detection of Verbal Deception.
Eileen Fitzpatrick, Joan Bachenko, Tommaso Fornaciari. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781627053372. 2015.
- 音声・言語処理 (電子情報通信レクチャーシリーズ).
広瀬啓吉. コロナ社. ISBN:978-4339018424. 2015.
- トピックモデルによる統計的潜在意味解析.
奥村学 (監修),佐藤一誠(著). コロナ社. ISBN:978-4339027587. 2015.
- 対話システム.
奥村学(監修),中野幹生,駒谷和範,船越孝太郎,中野有紀子(著). コロナ社. ISBN:978-4339027570. 2015.
- はじめての自然言語処理.
土屋誠司. 森北出版. ISBN:978-4-627-85311-9. 2015.
- Grammatical Inference for Computational Linguistics.
Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, Menno van Zaanen. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781608459780. 2015.
- Automatic Detection of Verbal Deception.
Eileen Fitzpatrick, Joan Bachenko, Tommaso Fornaciari. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1627053389. 2015.
- Semantic Similarity from Natural Language and Ontology Analysis.
Sebastien Harispe, Sylvie Ranwez, Stefan Janaqi, Jacky Montmain. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1627054461. 2015.
- Natural Language Processing for Social Media.
Atefeh Farzindar, Diana Inkpen. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1627053884. 2015.
- word2vecによる自然言語処理.
西尾泰和. オライリー. ISBN:978-4-87311-683-9. 2014.
- 自然言語処理 (情報工学テキストシリーズ 第5巻).
三木光範(編),加藤恒昭(著). 共立出版. ISBN:978-4-320-12265-9. 2014.
- 機械翻訳.
奥村学(監修),渡辺太郎,今村賢治,賀沢秀人,Graham Neubig,中澤敏明 (著). コロナ社. ISBN:978-4-339-02754-9. 2014.
- Ontology-Based Interpretation of Natural Language.
Philipp Cimiano, Christina Unger, John McCrae. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1608459896. 2014.
- 話し言葉対話の計算モデル.
島津明, 中野幹生, 堂坂浩二, 川森雅仁. 電子情報通信学会. ISBN:978-4-88552-284-0. 2014.
- 自然言語処理の基礎 [新訂版].
吉村賢治. サイエンス社. ISBN:978-4-7819-1315-5. 2012.
- 高速文字列解析の世界 - データ圧縮・全文検索・テキストマイニング.
岡野原大輔. 岩波書店. ISBN:978-4000069748. 2012.
- 特許情報処理:言語処理的アプローチ.
奥村学(監修), 藤井敦, 谷川英知, 岩山真, 難波英嗣, 山本幹雄, 内山将夫(著). コロナ社. ISBN:9784339027556. 2012.
- Chomsky's Linguistics.
Noam Chomsky (Edited by Peter Graff and Coppe van Urk). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. ISBN:9780615567129. 2012.
- 情報検索の基礎.
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schutze (著) 岩野和生, 黒川利明, 濱田誠司, 村上明子 (訳). 共立出版. ISBN:9784320123229. 2012.
- Text Mining: Applications and Theory.
Michael. W. Berry, Jacob Kogan (ed.). John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN:9780470749821. 2010.
- Genres on the Web: Computational Models and Empirical Studies.
Alexander Mehler, Serge Sharoff, Marina Santini (ed.). Springer. ISBN:9789048191772. 2010.
- Speech Dereverberation.
Patric A. Naylor, Nikolay D. Gaubitch (ed.). Springer. ISBN:9781849960557. 2010.
- Parsing Schemata for Practical Text Analysis.
Carlos Gomez-Rodriguez. Imperial College Pr. ISBN:9781848165601. 2010.
- 英語音感レッスン.
広瀬啓吉(監修), 時岡洋一. 朝日出版社. ISBN:978-4255005515. 2010.
- Computer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages.
Shuichi Itahasi, Chiu-yu Tseng (ed.). Americas Group Publications. ISBN:9780935047721. 2010.
- Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
Jian-Yun Nie. Graeme Hirst. (ed). Morgan and Claypool Publishers. ISBN:1598298631. 2010.
- 自然言語処理の基礎.
奥村学. コロナ社. ISBN:9784339024517. 2010.
- 入門 自然言語処理.
Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper (著) / 萩原正人, 中山敬広, 水野貴明 (訳). オライリージャパン. ISBN:9784873114705. 2010.
- Automated Grammatical Error Detection for Language Learners.
Claudia Leacock, Martin Chodorow, Michael Gamon, Joel Tetreault. Morgan and Claypool Publishers. ISBN:1608454703. 2010.
- Supertagging: Using Complex Lexical Descriptions in Natural Language Processing.
Srinivas Bangalore, Aravind K. Joshi. (ed). The MIT Press. ISBN:9780262013871. 2010.
- Handbook of Natural Language Processing. 2nd Edition.
N. Indurkhaya, F.J. Damerau (ed). Chapman & Hall. ISBN:1420085921. 2010.
- Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce.
Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer. Morgan and Claypool Publishers. ISBN:1608453421. 2010.
- 言語処理のための機械学習入門.
奥村学(監修), 高村大也. コロナ社. ISBN:9784339027518. 2010.
- デジタル言語処理学事典.
言語処理学会. 共立出版. ISBN:9784320122529. 2010.
- Semantic Role Labeling.
Martha Palmer, Daniel Gildea, Nianwen Xue. Morgan and Claypool Publishers. ISBN:1598298313. 2010.
- Ontology and the Lexicon: A Natural Language Processing Perspective.
Chu-Ren Huang, Nicoletta Calzolari, Aldo Gangemi, Alessandro Lenci, Alessandro Oltramari, Laurent Prevot (ed.). Cambridge U.P. ISBN:9780521886598. 2010.
- Linguistic Values Based Intelligent Information Processing : Theory, Methods, and Applications.
Zheng Pei, Da Ruan, Jun Liu, Yang Xu. Atlantis Press. ISBN:9789078677116. 2010.
- A resource-light approach to morpho-syntactic tagging.
Anna Feldman, Jirka Hana. Rodopi Bv Editions. ISBN:9789042027688. 2010.
- Spoken Dialogue Systems.
Kristiina Jokinen, Michael McTear. Morgan Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781598295993. 2010.
- 質問応答システム.
奥村学(監修), 磯崎秀樹, 東中竜一郎, 永田昌明, 加藤恒昭. コロナ社. ISBN:9784339027525. 2009.
- Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing.
Kam-Fai Wong, Wenji Li, Ruifeng Xu, Zheng-sheng Zhang. Morgan Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781598299328. 2009.
- Introduction to Linguistic Annotation and Text Analytics.
Graham Wilcock. Morgan Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781598297386. 2009.
- Semantic Domains in Computational Linguistics.
Alfio Gliozzo, Carlo Strapparava. Springer. ISBN:9783540681564. 2009.
- 言語処理学事典.
言語処理学会編. 共立出版. ISBN:9784320122383. 2009.
- Statistical Language Models for Information Retrieval (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies).
Cheng Xiang Zhai. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781598295900. 2009.
- Dependency Parsing (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies).
Sandra Kubler, Ryan McDonald, Joakim Nivre. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781598295962. 2009.
- Natural Language Processing with Python.
Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper. O'Reilly. ISBN:9780596516499. 2009.
- Memory-Based Language Processing.
Walter Daelemans, Antal van den Bosch. Cambridge U.P. ISBN:9780521114455. 2009.
- New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval (The Information Retrieval Series).
Spink, Amanda & Cole, C. (ed). Springer-Verlag. ISBN:978-1402040139. 2005.
- Knowledge Representation and the Semantics of Natural Language (Cognitive Technologies).
Helbig, Hermann. Springer. ISBN:3-540-24461-1. 2005.
- Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems (Text, Speech and Language Technology).
van Kuppevelt, Jan & Dybkjaer, L. (ed). Springer-Verlag. ISBN:1-4020-3932-8. 2005.
- Memory-Based Language Processing.
Daelemans, W. & van den Bosch, A. Cambridge Univ. Press. ISBN:0-521808901. 2005.
- Spoken Language Systems.
Nakagawa, S. & Okada, M. & Kawahara, T. IOS Press. ISBN:1586035150. 2005.
- ヒューマン・インフォマティクス.
長尾 眞 (監修). 工作舎. ISBN:4875023863. 2005.
- Introducing Speech and Language Processing.
Coleman, John. Cambridge Univ. Press. ISBN:978-0521823654. 2005.
- テキスト自動要約.
奥村 学, 難波 英嗣. オーム社. ISBN:9784274200427. 2005.
- A Valency Dictionary of English.
Thomas Herbst, David Heath, Ian F. Roe et al. Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN:3110171945. 2005.
- New Directions in Question Answering.
Maybury, M.T. Amer Assn for Artificial. ISBN:0262633043. 2004.
- Spoken Dialogue Technology: Towards the Conversational User Interface.
McTear, M.F. Springer-Verlag. ISBN:1852336722. 2004.
- New Developments In Parsing Technology.
Bunt, Harry & Carroll, John & Satta, Giorgio. Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:140202293X. 2004.
- Mathematical Foundations of Speech and Language Processing.
Johnson, Mark & Khudanpur, Sanjeev P. & Ostendorf, Mari. Springer Verlag. ISBN:0387203265. 2004.
- Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Language Querying.
Clifford, James. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:0521602742. 2004.
- Speech And Language Engineering.
Rajman, Martin & Pallota, Vincenzo. Marcel Dekker Inc. ISBN:0824722191. 2004.
- Speech And Human-machine Dialog.
Minker, Wolfgang & Bennacef, Samir. Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:1402080360. 2004.
- 自然言語処理ことはじめ−言葉を覚え会話のできるコンピュータ.
荒木健治. 森北出版. ISBN:4627828519. 2004.
- 国立国語研究所資料集14『分類語彙表 −増補改訂版−』.
国立国語研究所 編. 大日本図書. ISBN:978-4477016610. 2004.
- Language Modeling for Information Retrieval.
Croft, W. Bruce & Lafferty, John. Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:1402012160. 2003.
- Computing Action - A Narratological Approach.
Meister, Jan Christoph. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN:3110176289. 2003.
- Logics of Conversation.
Asher, Nicholas & Lascarides, Alex. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:0521650585. 2003.
- Resource-Sensitivity, Binding and Anaphora.
Kruijff, Geert-Jan & Oehrle, Richard T. Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:1402016921. 2003.
- Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval.
Berry, M.W. Springer. ISBN:0387955631. 2003.
- Treebanks: Building and Using Parsed Corpora.
Abeille, A. Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:1402013353. 2003.
- Time, Tense, and Reference.
Jokic, A. & Smith, Q. MIT Press. ISBN:0262600501. 2003.
- Information Extraction in the Web Era.
Pazienza, Maria Teresa. Springer Verlag Pub. ISBN:3540405798. 2003.
- 日本語動詞の結合価.
荻野孝野, 小林正博, 井佐原均 編著. 三省堂. ISBN:4385360804. 2003.
- Integrated Natural Language Generation with Schema-TAGs.
J. Woch. IOS Pr. ISBN:9781586033545. 2003.
- Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, and Evolution.
Jackendoff, Ray. Oxford Univ Pr. ISBN:0198270127. 2003.
- Recent Advances in Example-Based Machine Translation.
Michael Carl, Andy Way (ed). Kluwer Academic Pub. ISBN:1402014007. 2003.
- 言語と心理の統計: ことばと行動の確率モデルによる分析.
金明哲ほか. 岩波書店. ISBN:978-4000068505. 2003.
- 自動要約.
Inderjeet Mani (著), 奥村学, 植田禎子, 難波英嗣 (訳). 共立出版. ISBN:978-4320120730. 2003.
- Speech Processing: A Dynamic and Optimization-Oriented Approach.
Li Deng, Douglas O'Shaughnessy. Marcel Dekker Inc Published. ISBN:9780824740405. 2003.