加藤龍彦 / Tatsuhiko Kato

加藤龍彦 / Tatsuhiko Kato (D1)

Email: skylark AT jaist.ac.jp (AT = @)

Ph.D student at Japan Advanced Institute of Technology (JAIST), School of Knowledge Science.


Singing (Karaoke), Reading (SciFi, Pop Science, Literature), Netflix and chill

Research interests

I utilize natural language processing technique (mainly machine learning, such as word2vec) to inquire into the nature of human semantic representation.

Semantic Representation: How do humans process/represent relations of multiple things, such as words or situations? How do humans operate on those representations to perform complex cognitive tasks, such as metaphor and analogy?

Inductive / cognitive bias: How/Why do humans acquire a tendency to attend to/choose certain things over others in an environment? What are the tradeoff of using top-down knowledge or bottom-up signal and How do we optimize these tradeoffs?

Concept / language acquisition: How children learn the complex stuff such as language, from the data they are given? What kind of structure/cues can they actually utilize?




Please visit my website for more info (building!).