Logical Omniscience and Deductive Rationality

  • Ren-June Wang
  • Department of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng University
  • Homepage
Date: 2016/07/07 (Thu) 15:30 to 17:00
Place: JAIST, Collaboration room 7 (I-56)
Group: Logic Unit
Epistemic logic as an important tool for reasoning about an intellectual agent’s epistemic states has long suffered from the so-called logical omniscience problem since the beginning of its introduction. The problem indicates an idealized assumption on the part of the agent presented by a formalism of such kind. Although alternative epistemic formalisms have been proposed for dealing with the problem, there is no sight of that the problem is settled. Thus in this talk I will try my hand firstly to give an analysis of the problem, hopefully to pin down the source of the problem, and accordingly provide an advice as to what is the right direction of solving the problem. At the end of the talk I will suggest that what we need is not a formalism with a machinery that can limit what is known by the agent, but one with more powerful expressivity such that the resource that an agent will consume in the course of his/her reasoning, such as the temporal duration, can be explicitly stated.
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