- Statistical Methods for Annotation Analysis.
 Silviu Paun, Ron Artstein, Massimo Poesio. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781636392530. 2022.
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 Jimmy Lin, Rodrigo Nogueira, Andrew Yates. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781636392288. 2021.
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 Rishiraj Saha Roy, Avishek Anand. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781636392394. 2021.
- Explainable Natural Language Processing.
 Anders Søgaard. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781636392134. 2021.
- Semantic Relations Between Nominals (Second Edition).
 Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Preslav Nakov, Diarmuid Ó Séagdha. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781636390864. 2021.
- Embeddings in Natural Language Processing: Theory and Advances in Vector Representations of Meaning.
 Mohammad Taher Pilehvar, Jose Camacho-Collados. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1636390215. 2020.
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 Yoav Goldberg 著, 加藤恒昭, 林良彦, 鷲尾光樹, 中林 明子 訳. 共立出版. ISBN:978-4-320-12446-2. 2019.
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 Manfred Stede, Jodi Schneider. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781681734590. 2018.
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 Lucia Specia, Carolina Scarton, Gustavo Henrique Paetzold. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781681733739. 2018.
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 Atefeh Farzindar, Diana Inkpen. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781681736129. 2017.
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 前川喜久雄(監修), 松本裕治, 奥村学(編). 朝倉書店. ISBN:978-4-254-51608-1. 2017.
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 Christopher D. Manning, Hinrich Schutze (著) 加藤恒昭, 菊井玄一郎, 林良彦, 森辰則 (訳). 共立出版. ISBN:978-4-320-12421-9. 2017.
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 坪井祐太, 海野裕也, 鈴木潤. 講談社. ISBN:978-4-06-152924-3. 2017.
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 奥村学 (監修),笹野遼平,飯田龍(著). コロナ社. ISBN:978-4-339-02760-0. 2017.
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 Horacio Saggion. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781627058681. 2017.
- Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing.
 Yoav Goldberg. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:978-1627052986. 2017.
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 黒橋禎夫, 柴田知秀. サイエンス社. ISBN:978-4781913889. 2016.
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 奥野陽, グラム・ニュービッグ, 萩原正人 (著), 小町守 (監修). 翔泳社. ISBN:978-4798128528. 2016.
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 Shay Cohen. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781627058735. 2016.
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 Tony Veale, Ekaterina Shutova, Beata Beigman Klebanov. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ISBN:9781627058506. 2016.