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Estimation of Ck,0(t) and Dk,0(t)

Figure: Signal processing of a separation block.

We previously set the statistical parameters (mean and variance) for Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$ with ad-hoc values without considering the distribution of the power of noise. As a result, the estimation of Ck,0(t) and Dk,0(t) was influenced by the power of the noise components that passed through the channels.

Since we need to know the statistical parameters of Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$, we improved the estimation of Ck,0(t) and Dk,0(t) by using Kalman filtering as follows (See Appendix A about details):

estimate Bk(t) and $\theta_{2k}(t)$ with Kalman filtering,
estimate Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$ from Eqs. (4) and (6),
calculate mean and deviation of Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$, and
estimate Ck,0(t) and Dk,0(t) with the previous method [Unoki and Akagi1999b].

Masashi Unoki