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Constraint of envelopes with periodicity

Figure: Original signal /a/ (top) and its instantaneous amplitudes, Ak(t)s (bottom).

Fig. 4 shows an original signal /a/ and its instantaneous amplitudes, Ak(t)s. Channel envelopes with periodicity at the fundamental frequency F0(t) exist at higher frequencies. This is caused by using constant Q filterbank.

In our previous model, the constraint of common onset and offset often failed to extract channel envelopes with the original added white noise, but the constraint could extract channel envelopes with the original added pink noise. This is because the power of noise components at a higher frequency disturbed the detection of the onset and offset of the desired signal using constraint (i).

We reconsider constraint (iv) to solve this problem. We divide constraint (iv) into two temporal modulations: slow modulation and fast modulation. Then, we regard slow temporal modulation as common fluctuations of Ak(t) and regard the fast temporal modulation as channel envelopes with periodicity at the fundamental frequency.

In order to detect channel envelopes with periodicity at F0(t), we implement a detection of the difference between F0(t) and $\hat{F}_0(t)$ as the fast modulation, where F0(t) is determined by the F0 estimation block and $\hat{F}_0(t)$ is estimated by using the autocorrelation between Sk(t) for any t as follows.

$\displaystyle A_{\rm {corr},k}(t,\tau)$ = $\displaystyle \frac{1}{T}\int_t^{t+T} S_k(x)S_k(x+\tau)dx,$ (13)
$\displaystyle \hat{T}_0(t)$ = $\displaystyle \displaystyle{\mathop{\arg\max}_{\tau_{\min} \leq \tau \leq \tau_{\max}}} A_{\rm {corr},k}(t,\tau),$ (14)
$\displaystyle \hat{F}_0(t)$ = $\displaystyle 1/\hat{T}_0(t),$ (15)

where $\tau_{\min}=1/400$, $\tau_{\max}=1/60$, T=1/60, and $\tau$ is lag length. The above common value, 60, means the lowest frequency of the filterbank. In this paper, $\Delta F_0$ of constraint (iv-b) in Table 1 is 10 Hz.

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Masashi Unoki