21Research Topics

Jan 23, 2024 updated



  • 主テーマ:
    • 高速計算技法(京速スパコン、グラフィックボード)
  • 副テーマ:
研究概要のパンフレット(Flier by JAIST)




情報科学向けの説明 (as Information Science)

High Performance Computing for the simulations of complex phenomena due to interactions. Massive Parallel Computations for Quantum Monte Carlo simulation using Super Computers as well as Hand-made Parallel PC clusters.

物質科学向けの説明 (as Materials Science)

Ab-initio/ First-principles Materials Simulation using DMC (Diffusion Monte Carlo) method which is more reliable than DFT (Density Functional Theory). Methodologically challenging topics using High Performance Computing are main interests. For DMC we use CASINO code.

物性理論向けの説明 (as Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics)



01/Publication List

The publication list is shown in Publications

02/Granted Projects of Maezono・Hongo group /前園・本郷グループ外部獲得資金

  • Total amount of the budgets obtained as the project representative so far (upto item H42):Maezono
    Governmental; 14 grants (107,570,000/JPY)
    Private fundations; 08 grants (48,810,000/JPY)
    US based grants; 02 grants (355,000/USD)
    政府系(科研費等) 15件 (13,526万円)/民間系 8件 (6,531万円)/米国2件(355,000/USD) ・前園分
  • Total amount of the budgets obtained as the project representative so far (upto item H24):Hongo
    Governmental; 14 grants (88,180,000/JPY)
    Private fundations; 08 grants (7,710,000/JPY)
    US based grants; 02 grants (30,000/USD)
    政府系(科研費等) 12件 (8,818万円)/民間系 4件(代表のみ)(771万円)/米国1件(30,000/USD)・本郷分
  • Total amount of the budgets obtained as the project representative so far (upto item R4):Nakano
    Governmental; 14 grants (17,256,000/JPY)
    Private fundations; 08 grants (3,500,000/JPY)
    US based grants; 02 grants (-/USD)
    政府系(科研費等) 2件 (17,256千円)/民間系 2件 (3,500千円)/外国0件(-)** ・中野分

021/Quantum Many-body problem

  • “Ab initio DMC-phonon calculations applied to layered materials”,
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of The Ministry of Education,
    Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan
    (Representative; 2021.4 - 2023.3; [4,290,000 JPY])
  • “Theoretical investigation for the possibility of poly-exciton phase in 3-dim electron-hole gas”,
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of MEXT, Japan, ‘’Fostering Joint International Research’’
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2018.4 - 2019.3 (as planned); [12,000,000 JPY])
  • “Density matrix/pair distribution function method for exploring novel phases
    and transitions in electron-hole gas”,**Asahi glass foundation**, Research encouragement grants 2014,
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2014.4-2016.3; [2,000,000 JPY]).
  • “Theoretical investigation for the possibility of poly-exciton phase in 3-dim electron-hole gas”,
    ‘Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, MEXT, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2014.4-2017.3; [8,010,000 JPY]).
  • “Multi-component Monte Carlo method applied to Electron-hole systems”, Grant-in-Aid
    for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Optical Science of Dynamically Correlated
    Electrons”, MEXT, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2011.4-2013.3; [5,200,000 JPY]).
  • “Materials Design through Computics: Complex Correlation and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics”,
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, ‘’MEXT’’, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Group member; 2010.10-2015.3; [5,500,000 JPY]).
  • “Precise electronic structure calculations on biochemical molecules including transition metal ions”,
    JST, Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2004.10-2007.9; [28,150,000 JPY]).

022/Industrial Applications

  • “Development of photoswitching ocean-degradable plastics with edibility”,
    (Group member; 2020-2029),
    NEDO, R&D projects aimed at achieving the Moonshot Goal.
  • “Developing/verifying autonomy required for IoT-assisted inclusion”,
    Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Asian Office of Aerospace
    Research and Development (AFOSR-AOARD/FA2386-19-1-4015).
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2019.4 - 2022.4; [250,000 USD (27,152,500JPY)])
  • “Computational characterization of high-entropy alloys”,
    Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
    Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD/FA9550-19-S-0003)
    (Group member; 2020.9 - 2022.9; [30,000 USD])
  • “Computational study of electron/phonon transport in extremely scaled semiconductor devices”,
    JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Short Term),
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2018.5 - 2018.6; [150,000 JPY] on top of the
    airfare and daily expenses (18,000JPY/day) to invite a researcher,
    Prof. Nihar Mohapatra [IIT Gandhinagar], staying in our group members for 1.5 months]).
  • “Computational study of contact angles in wettability based on nano-modelings of local structures
    at interfaces”,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas of MEXT, Japan,
    (K.Hongo, Representative ; 2017.4-2019.3; [4,420,000 JPY]).
  • “Computational approaches to microscopic control of wettability in liquid processes for
    fabricating semiconductors”,Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists B, MEXT, Japan,
    (K.Hongo, Representative ; 2015.4-2017.3; [4,160,000 JPY]).
  • “Ab initio computational study for electrodes formation on diamond power semiconductor devices
    aiming at the energy conversion efficiency”,Interchange Association, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2014.9-2014.9; [Grant for three group memebers to visit Taiwan staying for a week]).
  • “Electronic structure study on the Ohmic contacts of Diamond Semiconductor”,
    Research Grant by TOKUYAMA science foundation, Japan,
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2012.6-2013.5; [1,988,000 JPY]).
  • “Theoretical Design of Nanoporous Materials for Hydrogen Storage Materials”,
    (K. Hongo; 2006-2008; [17,950千円]).

023/Condensed Matter Theory

  • “Co-education on ab initio phonon evaluations with synthesis groups working on Mixed Anion compounds”,
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
    “Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”, MEXT, Japan.
    (Representative; 2019.4 - 2021.3; [1,040,000 JPY]).
  • “Understanding the phase stability of oxides and nitrides in the context of fine tuning
    their functional properties - a combinatorial approach based on computations and
    experiments”,JSPS Bilateral Joint Projects/India DST/IIT Madras,
    (R.Maezono, Group representative; 2019.6 - 2021.5; [2,000,000 JPY]).
    (ナノ材料科学関連/材料工学、化学工学、ナノマイクロ科学およびその関連分野/工学系科学) /研究代表者(前園)
  • “Computational studies on Phonon Engineering”, Research Interests of the
    Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Asian Office of Aerospace Research
    and Development (AFOSR-AOARD).
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2017.6 - 2020.5 (as planned); [90,000 USD])
  • “Development of new mixed-anion compounds: synthesis and establishment of design rules”
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan.
    (K. Hongo, Group member; 2016.6-2021.3; [304,330千円 (分担12,800千円)]
    研究代表(荻野 拓/産総研)、研究分担者(本郷)・平成28年度採択(課題番号16H06439)
  • “Co-education on electronic structure evaluations with synthesis groups working
    on Mixed Anion compounds”, Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative
    Areas “Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”, MEXT, Japan.
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2017.4 - 2019.3; [1,150,000 JPY]).

024/Materials Informatics

  • “Computational Science of Designing and Elucidating the Functions of Supra-ceramics”
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
    “Supra-ceramics: Molecule-driven frontier of inorganic materials”, MEXT, Japan.
    (Group member; 2022.06 - 2026.03; [27,690,000 JPY]).
  • “Computational search for smart radiation device with doped elements and substrate materials”
    JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Short Term)
    (Representative; 2022.5 - 2022.6; [150,000 JPY on top of the
    airfare and daily expenses (18,000JPY/day) to invite a researcher,
    Prof. Emila Panda [IIT Gandhinagar/Materials Engineering], staying in our group members for 1.5 months])
  • “Automated prediction system of Hamaker constants based on molecular theory
    and simulations associated with data science”
    (K. Hongo, Representative; 2019.4-2024.3; [4,550千円])
  • “Ab initio thermodynamics assessment based on data-driven structure modelling”
    (K. Hongo, Representative; 2019.4 - 2021.3; [5,850千円]).
  • “Artificial intelligence capable to distinguish materials phases from spectrum pictures”,
    I-O Data Foundation’’, Research Grant 2018FY.
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2018.04 - 2019.03; [2,990,000 JPY])
    (公財)I-O DATA財団、第1回研究開発助成/研究代表者(前園)
  • “XPS spectrum analysis using Materials Informatics applied to nano-materials design of
    catalysis used for NOx reduction reactions”, Collaboration grant by ‘’Toyota Motor Corporation’’ 2017
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2017.4 - 2019.3; [10,000,000 JPY])
  • “Effective searching of materials structure using Bayesian inference”
    Japan Science and Technology Agency,
    Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology,
    (K. Hongo, Representative; 2016.10 - 2020.03; 36,000,000 JPY).
    個人型研究(さきがけタイプ)・平成28年採択(課題番号: 16813350;グラント番号: JPMJPR16NA)
  • “Materials research by Information Integration”(MI2I) Initiative”
    JST InnovationHub, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan,
    (K. Hongo, Group member; 2015.7-2020.3; [4,500,000 JPY])
  • “Data-driven predictive approach for designing drug molecules with Bayesian statistics
    and quantum chemistry”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas of MEXT, Japan,
    (K. Hongo, Group member; 2015.4-2019.3; [1,400,000 JPY]).
  • “Improvement of local force calculations taking into account leptokurtotic distributions
    of QMC sampling”, Grant-in-Aid, MEXT, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2010.4-2012.3; [3,510,000 JPY]).

025/High performance computing

  • “New updating scheme for Quantum Monte Carlo method suitable for the acceleration
    using hybrid parallelization”, Grant-in-Aid, MEXT, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2013.4-2015.3; [4,030,000 JPY]).
  • “Diffusion Monte Carlo study on periodic solid systems”,
    Grant-in-Aid, Innovative Areas “Development of
    New Quantum Simulators and Quantum Design”, MEXT, Japan,
    (R. Maezono, Representative; 2005.10-2009.3; [30,800,000 JPY]).

026/Outreach activities

  • “ASESMA2014(African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications)”,
    The ‘’Murata Science Foundation’’.
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2015.1 - 2015.1; [300,000 JPY, Grant for travel supports to visit South Africa]).
  • “Development of whole Natural Science Education program based on Simulation Sciences
    as a junction among Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science”,
    Japan Science and Technology Agency, Projects for Promoting Science Education and
    Public Understanding of Science and Technology, Science Leaders’ Camp 2013.
    (R.Maezono, Representative; 2013.4 - 2013.12; [3,922,500 JPY])

23Relating Communities


011/CASINO (Quantum Monte Carlo Electronic Structure Calculations)


012/ASESMA (Electronic Structure Calculations/UNESCO-ICTP activity for African countries)


013/HPC materials science

  • Post-K computer project ; Creation of new functional Devices and high-performance Materials to Support next-generation Industries/Exploring new generation materials for functional magnets
    ポスト「京」プロジェクト/サブ課題 7(D)/高性能永久磁石・磁性材料
  • Post-K computer project ; Challenge of Basic Science – Exploring Extremes through Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations/Structure and Properties of Materials in Deep Earth and Planets
    ポスト「京」プロジェクト/萌芽的課題10「基礎科学の挑戦ー複合マルチスケール問題を通した極限の探求」/サブ課題C 地球惑星深部物質の構造と物性(代表/飯高敏晃/理研)
  • 「京」プロジェクト/CMSI特別支援課題「新材料探索」

  • 大阪大学・未来研究イニシアティブ・グループ「計算機ナノマテリアルデザイン新元素戦略」

  • Next generation Super Computer Program, “Novel materials/energy” (Category II)
    (Prof. Shinji Tsuneyuki, representative)
    (Japanese Ministry of Education)

014/MEXT group grants

  • “Computational Science of Designing and Elucidating the Functions of Supra-ceramics”
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
    “Supra-ceramics: Molecule-driven frontier of inorganic materials”, MEXT, Japan.
    (Group member; 2022.06 - 2026.03; [27,690,000 JPY]).
  • “Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”,
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Japanese Ministry of Education)/2016-2020
    (領域代表;陰山洋/Prof. Hiroshi Kageyama, representative)
  • “Development of New Quantum Simulators and Quantum Design”,
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (Japanese Ministry of Education)/2005-2010
    (領域代表;赤井 久純/Prof. Hisazumi Akai, representative)
  • “Materials Design through Computics: Complex Correlation and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics”,
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Japanese Ministry of Education)/2010-2014
    (領域代表;押山淳/Prof. Atsushi Oshiyama, representative)
  • “Optical Science of Dynamically Correlated Electrons”
    Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Japanese Ministry of Education)/2008-2013
    (領域代表;五神真/Prof. Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami, representative)

02/Research group outside with close/recent communications


  • Prof. Neil D. Drummond group (Physics),
    Lancaster University, Department of Physics.
  • Prof. Hirosh Kageyama group (Inorganic Materials Synthesis)
    Kyoto University, Dept. of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry.
    京都大学 陰山教授研究室(物質化学)
  • Prof. Sandro Sorella group (many-body theory)
    International School for Advanced Studies(SISSA).
  • Prof. K.C. Hari Kumar group (Computational Thermodynamics)
    Indian Institute of Technology Madras(IITM)
  • Prof. Richard Needs group (Physics),
    Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory.
  • Prof. R. Yoshida group (Statistics),
    The Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
  • Kiyoyuki Terakura group, Dept. Organic and Polymeric Mater., Grad. School of Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
    東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 有機・高分子物質専攻・寺倉清之グループ(物性理論)/2014-2016
  • Prof. Yasutami Takada group (Physics)
    Tokyo University, Institute of Solid State Physics.
  • Prof. Priya Mahadevan group (Physics)
    S.N. Bose Institute (India).
  • Dr. Cuong Thanh Nguyen (Physics)
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
  • Prof. Shinji Tsuneyuki group (Physics),
    Tokyo University, Department of Physics.
  • Prof. Alan Aspuru-Guzik group (Chemistry),
    Harvard University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,


(Research group outside with communications before)

  • 国立情報学研究所・三浦謙一先生(疑似乱数)/2008-2011
    Prof. Kenichi Miura (Random number)
    National Institute of Informatics,
    Kiyoyuki Terakura group, Japan Advance Institute of Science and Tech.
  • 科研費特定「次世代量子シミュレータ・量子デザイン手法の開発」/2005-2008
    “Development of New Quantum Simulators and Quantum Design”,
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Priority Areas (Japanese Ministry of Education)
    領域代表;赤井久純 /Prof. Hisazumi Akai, representative)
  • JST戦略的創造研究推進事業「シミュレーション技術の革新と実用化基盤の応用」/2004-2007
    “The Innovation of Simulation Technology and the Construction of Foundations for its Practical Use”
    JST basic research program (Japan Science and Technology Agency).
    領域代表;土居範久 /Prof. Norihisa Doi, representative)
  • 文科省大学院GP「大学連合による計算科学の最先端人材育成」/2007-2009
    “Good Practice program for computational science education”,
    Ministry of Education, Japan
    ( 領域代表;賀谷信幸 /Prof. Nobuyuki Kaya, representative)
  • 横浜市立大学・国際総合科学研究科、立川仁典グループ(量子化学)
    Yokohama City University, Masanori Tachikawa group (Chemistry),
    Collaboration on QMC applied to positronic compounds,
    Ryo Maezono/was a visiting associate professor(2007).
  • 神戸大学・発達科学部、田中成典グループ(量子化学)
    Kobe University, Shigenori Tanaka group (Chemistry),
    Collaboration on QMC applied to QM/MM method (FMO method).
  • ノース・カロライナ州立大学・物理学科、ルボッシュ・ミタッシュ・グループ(物性理論)
    North Carolina State University, Lubos Mitas group (Physics),
    Collaboration on Cr dimer,
    Ryo Maezono/was a visiting researcher(2006)
  • コーネル大学・物理学科、サイラス・ウムリガー・グループ(物性理論)
    Cornell University, Cyrus Umrigar group (Physics)
    Collaboration on Jellium sphere with an embedded atom,
    Ryo Maezono/was a visiting researcher(2005).
  • 東北大学・川添良幸グループ
    Tohoku University, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe group (Materials Science),
    Kenta Hongo/was a graduate student (1995-2000)
  • ハーバード大学・アラン・アスプル・グジック・グループ(化学)
    Harvard University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Alan Aspuru-Guzik group (Chemistry)
    Kenta Hongo/moved from our group as post-doc funded by JSPS (2009-)
  • 物質・材料研究機構・佐々木泰造グループ(第一原理反応グループ)
    National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Taizo Sasaki group (Physics)
    Ryo Maezono/was a tenured researcher (2000-2007).
  • ケンブリッジ大・リチャード・ニーズ・グループ(物性理論)
    Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory, Richard Needs group (Physics)
    Ryo Maezono/was a post-doc. researcher (2000-2002)
    John Trail/was a post-doc. researcher (2001-2008)
  • 東京大学・永長直人グループ(物性理論)
    Tokyo University, Naoto Nagaosa group (Physics)
    Ryo Maezono/was a graduate student (1995-2000)

24Organized Conferences

Conference Organized so far

01/Conferences forthcoming

02/Past Conferences

0225/”JAIST-KIST joint seminar on materials informatics”

‘JAIST-KIST joint seminar on materials informatics’

  • 2019/10/29/Tue 10.00-12.00(as planned)

  • Venue/JAIST, IS Collaboration Room 7 (5F)

  • Organizer/Assoc. Prof. Kenta Hondo (JAIST)

0224/’’Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2019/Simulation Science on Nano-Technology using Super Computers’’

(SAKURA science plan supported by a governmental grant funded by JST)

  • 2019/12/16/Mon.-12/24/Tue.

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 3F Maezono/Hongo Lab. (I-37).

  • Participants/Six Students from Indonesia, India.

  • Organizer; Maezono/Hongo group (solely).

  • Sponsor/JST(Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2018)

0223/’’3rd LOBSTER School’’

‘Explicit Chemical-Bonding Analysis of Materials from High-performance First-Principles Simulations’

  • 2019/08/05/Mon-08/07/Wed
  • Venue; Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Collaboration Room 7
  • Local Organizer; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Takafumi Yamamoto, Laboratory for Materials and Structures,
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Maezono group (JAIST).
  • Sponsorship; MEXT Grant-in-Aid
    “Scientific Research on Innovative Area”, FY2016-20 Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities
  • Total 29 participants

0222/’’JWC2019: Social Inclusion with Autonomy’’


  • 2019/03/08/Fri/10:00-16:00

  • Venue; Ishikawa High Tech Center

  • Organizer; Maezono group (JAIST), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rihyei Kang.

  • Total 33 participants

  • Program

0221/’’Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2018/Simulation Science on Nano-Technology using Super Computers’’

(SAKURA science plan supported by a governmental grant funded by JST)

  • 2018/10/21/Sun.-10/30/Tue.

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 3F Maezono/Hongo Lab. (I-37).

  • Participants/Ten Students from Indonesia, India, and Vietnam.

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/JST(Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2018)

  • Program

0220/”第5回複合アニオン公開シンポジウム/新学術領域研究 複合アニオン化合物の創製と新機能2018”

  • 2018/08/27/Mon-08/29/Wed (as planned)

  • Venue/JAIST, School of Materials Science Lecture Hall.

  • Organizer/Prof. Hiroshi Kageyama (Kyoto Univ.)

  • Co-sponsored by Prof. Ryo Maezono (JAIST), Assoc. prof. Kenta Hongo (JAIST)

  • Total 113 participants

  • Program

0219/”CASINO tutorial workshop in the Apuan Alps 2017”/国際会議

  • 2017/07/31/Mon-08/04/Fri (as planned)

  • Venue/Towler Institute, Italy

  • Organizer/Prof. Neil D. Drummond (Lancaster Univ.)

  • Co-sponsored by Dr. M.D. Towler (Towler Institute), Dr. Kenta Hongo (JAIST) and Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas/2016-2020, MEXT, Japan, “Synthesis Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”.

  • Other lecturers/Prof. Richard J. Needs (Cambridge), Prof. Dario Alfe (UCL)

  • Program

0218/’’Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2017/Simulation Science on Nano-Technology using Super Computers’’

(SAKURA science plan supported by a governmental grant funded by JST)

  • 2017/07/17/Mon.-07/26/Wed.

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 5F, Collaboration Room No.6 (I-57g).

  • Participants/Six Students from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/JST(Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2017)

  • Program

0217/”Hands-on session: Constructing MPI parallel simulation using hand-made PC cluster”/国際会議

  • 2017/01/18+ 2017/01/19 (as planned)

  • Venue/Phuket, Thailand

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/Third Asian Conference on Defence Technology (ACDT2017)

  • Total 10 Paticipants/タイ防衛技術研究所、タイ国立電子コンピューター技術研究センター、タマサート大学、マヒドン大学など

0216/’’JAIST-IITGN workshop2017: Frontier Scientists/Engineers with Global Sense/Ser. II’’

‘Materials Science and High Performance Computing’

  • 2017/01/09/Sun-2017/01/16/Mon

  • Venue; JAIST

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/MEXT(Re-Inventing Japan Project)

  • Co-sponsored by Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas/2016-2020, MEXT, Japan, “Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”.

  • Program

0215/’’JAIST-India Workshop2016/Materials Science simulations’’

  • 2016/12/12/Mon+ 2016/12/17/Sat

  • Venue/IIT Madras

  • Organizer/Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials Eng.(IIT Madras)

  • Sponsor/JAIST,

  • Co-sponsored by IIT Madras, and Grant in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas/2016-2020, MEXT, Japan, “Synthesis of Mixed Anion Compounds toward Novel Functionalities”.

  • Program

0214/ ‘’Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2016/QMC Electronic Structure Calculation’’

(SAKURA science plan supported by a governmental grant funded by JST)

  • 2016/07/10/Sun.+ 07/20/Wed.

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 5F, Collaboration Room No.6 ( I - 57g).

  • Participants/Eight Students from China, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/JST(Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2016)

0213/ ‘’Indian-Japanese ICME workshop’’

  • 2016/07/03/Sun+ 07/09/Sat

  • Venue/IIT Madras

  • Organizer/International collaboration between Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng. (IIT Madras) and Maezono group (JAIST).

  • Sponsor/Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng. (IIT Madras).

0212/’’The 1st International Symposium of Energy & Environment in JAIST’’

(I SEE JAIST 2016)

  • 2016/02/26/Fri.

  • Venue; Ishikawa High-tech Exchange Center.

  • Organizer; JAIST, Energy and Environment Department.
    Maezono invited two representative Professors for simulation related researches.
  • Professor Emeritus (University of Tokyo)
    Consulting professor (Kobe University)
  • Sponsor/JAIST

0211/’’JAIST-IITGN workshop: Frontier Scientists/Engineers with Global Sense/Ser. I’’

‘Materials Science and High Performance Computing’

  • 2015/09/27/Sun + 10/05/Mon

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 5F, Collaboration Room No.6 (I+ 57g).

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/MEXT(Re+ Inventing Japan Project)

  • Program

0210/ ‘’Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2015/QMC Electronic Structure Calculation’’

(SAKURA science plan supported by a governmental grant funded by JST)

  • 2015/07/05/Sun.+ 07/23/Thur.

  • Venue; JAIST, Information Science/IS building 3, 5F, Collaboration Room No.6 (I+ 57g).

  • Participants/Eight Students from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and India.

  • Organizer; Maezono group (solely).

  • Sponsor/JST(Japan+ Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science 2015)

  • program

0209/JAIST-India International school 2015/Quantum Monte Carlo Electronic Structure Calculation

  • 2015/3/23-2015/3/28
  • Sponsor/MEXT (Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science & Technology in Japan),
    2014 Special Budget for education and research programs, ‘Promotions for International education/research programs in JAIST’.
  • Location/S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Science (Kolkata, India).
  • Organizer; Maezono group(JAIST), Prof. Priya Mahadevan and Dr. Manoranjan Kumar (S.N.Bose).

0208/JST Summer Science Camp. (2009-2014)

Buidling up Hand-made supercomputer , for Highschool students staying for three days at JAIST.

  • Sponser/JST Japan.

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)

  • Location/JAIST, Japan., School of Information Sci.

  • Participants/Total 12 highschool student (2009), 8 students (2010-2014)

0207/JST Science Leader’s Camp. 2013

Science Leader’s Camp. , for Highschool teachers staying for four days at JAIST.

  • 2013/8/20-2013/8/23

  • Sponser/JST Japan.

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)

  • Location/JAIST, Japan., School of Information Sci.

  • Participants/Total 25 highschool teachers (Fukui, Aichi, Ishikawa, Osaka, Shiga, Toyama, Gifu, Ibaraki, Akita, Kyoto, Saitama, Miyagi, Kagoshima, and Nara prefectures).

Click here for more details!

0206/JAIST International Winter school 2012/Quantum Monte Carlo Electronic Structure Calculation

  • 2013/2/19-2013/2/24

  • Sponser/MEXT Japan.
  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)
  • Location/JAIST, Japan., School of Information Sci.
  • Participants/Total 25. Lecturer from Japan, U.K., and Taiwan. Participants from Iran, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Kenya, Korea, India, Russia, Nigeria, China, Cameroon, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia.
  • Program

0205/Taiwan-Japan QMC2012

  • 2012/11/7-2012/11/8

  • Organizer/Professor Ching-Ming Wei

  • Location/R369, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei

  • Program

0204/Collaboration with Kenya

  • 2011/03/09-2011/03/17

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)

  • Location/MOI University, Department of Physics, Eldoret, Keny

  • For more information

0203/ 3rd. workshop on Correlation issues in electronic structure calculations

  • 2007/12/10-2007/12/11
  • Sponser/MEXT, Japan
    Grant-in-Aid, Innovative Areas “Development of New Quantum Simulators and Quantum Design”,
  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)
  • Location/JAIST, Information Science.

0202/2nd workshop on Correlation issues in electronic structure calculations

  • 2007/2/15-2007/2/16

  • Sponser/JST Japan.

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)

  • Location/Hokkaido University, Sapporo.

  • Total 17 participants/コーネル大、台湾中研院、京都大、大阪大、東京大、物材機構、横市大、産総研、北大、神戸大など

0201/ Correlation issues in electronic structure calculations

  • 2006/1/25-2006/1/27

  • Sponser/JST Japan.

  • Organizer/Maezono group (solely)

  • Location/Hokkaido University, Sapporo.

  • Total 22 participants/ノースカロライナ州立大、大阪大、物材機構、東京大、横市大、産総研、北大、神戸大など

03/Entry to Conferences

Entry to Conferences