Activities ”ŹRecent posts. View all.”Ė””

  • 2009.2.08: Prof. Samuel Gomes, PhD, University of Technology Belfort-Montb«±liard (UTBM), France, will visit Design Research Lab and give a talk "Collaborative Design and Knowledge factory - CoDeKF" at KS Seminar on Feb. 16th 11.00 - 12.30.

  • 2009.2.06: Call for Papers::ACM 7th Creativity and Cognition conference 2009:: Everyday Creativity: Shared Languages and Collective Action, October 27-30, 2009, Berkeley Art Museum, CA, USA, Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, in co-operation with SIGMM/SIGART

  • 2008.9.29:Two research works were presented at 18th Design and Systems conference
  • 2008.7.25: The two awards are reported in the events section of the university's homepage
  • 2008.7.01: Two presentations from Design research lab are among the selection of excellent research presentations on The 55th JSSD conference
  • 2008.6.28-29: Research presentations at The 55th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) from 27 to 29th of June 2008 held in Hiroshima International University
  • 2008.6.7: JAIST Open Campus
  • 2008.4.19-21: Laboratory members participated in The East Asian A3 Project meeting held in Taiwan.
  • 2008.4.5-7: Laboratory members participated in The East Asian A3 Project meeting held in Seoul, South Korea.
  • 2008.4.5: JAIST Entrance ceremony
  • 2008.3.25-27: Andy Dong, PhD., Senior Lecturer in University of Sydney <>, visited our laboratory and gave talk entitled "Language technologies in design" on 10th KS-seminar